Chapter 33

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Tessa's POV

I turned on my camera and began to film a video. My fans needed to know that chessa was over.

Tessa-"Hey guys. So as you saw in the title Chessa is now over. So I'm going to tell you the truth about what happened.  So earlier today Chance and I were talking about our relationship and we both decided that it would be best if we were just friends. Now the chessa ship is still alive but now it's just a friendship. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and quickly shut the camera off. Without thinking I made a thumbnail and posted the video.

Chances POV

I was laying in bed. Crying when I got a notification. Tessa had posted a video, "Chessa is over...". Anthony came rushing in.

Tony-"you messed up man. She saved your reputation. "

I watched the video and began to cry. I went downstairs and shot paintball guns at the targets outback. I loved her. I ruin everything, anything good in my life I destroy.

Tessa's POV

I heard a knock at my door.

Tessa-"Go away!"

Erika-"No Tessa, Jake told me what happened."

She gave me a hug. Jake said he was drunk, those two girls were all over him...

Tessa-"There were two! That.... that...."

I loved him. I trusted him. He was what kept me going. But it was all a lie. I cried into Erika's chest. She patted my back and I screamed, letting the tears fall down my face.

Erika-"you know. What you did was so brave of  you. Wait how did you know he cheated?"

Tessa-"Some-someone sent me a Snapchat from Chances account of a video of him making out with some... some..."

She cut me off.

Erika-"I love you T and that boy is going to be sorry."

I continued to cry. I screamed as I hit the wall with my fists Erika trying to hold me back. I punched the wall until my fists bled, leaving cuts all over my hands. I trusted him, he was a lying manipulative jerk. But I still loved him. Maybe if I wasn't so scared and just did it with him than he would have loved me. I tried to find a way, an excuse, but there were none. He got me though the hardest part of my life. But just left me with and even harder one. Erika left my room and brought me some ice cream. She hugged me and said goodnight. I heard yelling and cursing  from the ratchets room and knew it was Erika.

I peeked though the door way and saw Erika yelling at Chance.

Erika-"How could you! You broke Tessa! You made her think you loved her, and then cheated on her... remember when Rachel did that to you. You said you were heart broken. Just be thankful I don't release the photo."

I looked away as she slapped Chance across the face. He saw me in the door way and stood up.


Erika held him back and I ran into my room. I was worthless... no one loved me, Erika was the only one who actually cared about me.

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