Converse kinda girl

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You sighed exasperatedly as you fall back on the couch, again. It's uncountable how many times you've hit the floor or couch in less than an hour. Your butt's sore, your feet are killing you and Y/F/N is feeling more and more hopeless.

"Honestly, Y/N! You make walking in heels look like balancing on daggers or something!" Y/F/N threw her hands up exasperatedly as she helped you back up from the ground.

"Because IT IS! You're definitely not helping, by the way." You grumbled and stood up precautiously again.

You took a deep breath and tried taking baby steps. Balancing on the 5 inches stilettos you borrowed from Y/F/N for the BRIT Awards that you're going to accompany Harry to is no piece of cake. In fact, it's difficult difficult lemon difficult. (I hope you guys get this... HAHAHA)

You teetered and swayed while Y/F/N steadied you. As soon as she thinks you're ready, she let go of you and you actually managed to balance and walk (even though a little shaky) around the living room.

"OH MY GOD I'M ACTUALLY DOING IT! I'M ACTUALLY DOING THI-" As usual, you never seemed to learn your lesson as you spoke too soon. Your butt landed with a loud thump on the ground after you got a little too distracted from celebrating.

"Jesus, Y/N... You'll be great wearing heels but I think your butt won't be as great... Anyways, you might want to remove them for a while and let your feet have a break. You did well, girl!" Y/F/N cheered and patted you on the back encouragingly.

You let out a huge sigh of relief as you tossed the black stilettos on the ground and massaged your sore ankles.

"Why are you even doing this to yourself, child?" Y/F/N asked you curiously as she knows you aren't a heels person.

"Well, as you know I'm going to the BRITS with Harry and do you have any idea how fancy that event is? They'll be freaking queens like Rihanna and Miley there and I really don't wanna embarrass Harry by wearing my usual wedges or Converse, can I? I really wanna look fancy and actually look like I fit in for Harry...." You confessed softly.

Y/F/N gave you an affectionate rub on your back. "Girl, you're gonna rock them so hard with them killer stilettos and you know it! Don't worry too much about it, just a little more practice and you'll walk like you're born wearing it!"

You gave Y/F/N a huge smile and added: "Yeah... I just wanna look good for him, you know?"

What you didn't know is that Harry has been leaning against the doorway, watching and listening to the two of you for a long time.


You gave Y/F/N a kiss on the cheeks before letting her out. After 10 minutes, you heard Harry's car pulling into the garage.

You went to open the door for him as he immediately pulled you in for a hug and kiss.

"Hey babe..." He breathed in your scent calmly. He removed his arms from you and presented you with a paper bag from your favorite shoe store.

"What's this?" You asked curiously. He gestured for you to open it and so you did. Beneath the lid of the shoebox is the most gorgeous and quirkiest pair of converses you've ever seen. *PIC

"Oh my God..." You breathed, not quite believing what you're seeing.

"It's all yours, baby. But can your please promise me to wear this for the BRIT Awards?" Harry's eyes looked yearning.

"But Harry, you know how fancy the award show is going to be.... Besides, I've already trained myself to walk in stilettos." You tried to convince him even though your heart really crave to wear Converses, your favorite shoes to the award show.

Harry placed a finger on your lips, shushing you and murmuring: "I've overheard the conversation you and your friend had, I have also witnessed how much you sacrificed just for me..." He gently squeezed your bruised butt and you winced instinctively.

He placed his arms around my waist and continued: "I don't want you to change yourself just for the sake of me, you understand, love? You're not an embarrassment to me and never will be. All I wish for is for you to be happy and comfortable in your own skin. I don't want you to live up to everyone's expectation, because I fell in love with the converse wearing you, not the stilettos you. The quirky and adorable girl that wears her converses with dress and dares to be different."

You felt so touched your heart is swelling with emotions. Can this boy get any sweeter?

"Harry...." You started but you couldn't find the words. Instead, you just buried your face in his chest while he gently massaged your butt.

"Ow, ow, not there." You can't help but state when he touched a sensitive part. He let out a little chuckle and told you to try the converse on.

"It fits like a glove!" You exclaimed and couldn't stop admiring them. You gave Harry countless kisses for buying them for you and expressed how grateful you are that he doesn't expect anything from you and that he only wants you to be you.


The award show was really fun as expected. You hung out and fooled around with the boys, kissed Harry a lot and even received compliments from Miley herself! She praised how cool your converses are and how it matches your dress while you just stared, star-struck while Harry chuckled at your reaction.

 You hung out and fooled around with the boys, kissed Harry a lot and even received compliments from Miley herself! She praised how cool your converses are and how it matches your dress while you just stared, star-struck while Harry chuckled at yo...

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