5 Things I Hate About You

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Harry's POV

1. How you act tough and pretend the hate doesn't get to you when it really does. It breaks my heart to see you enduring this alone, pretending this relationship is going just fine when I saw you secretly crying yourself to sleep when you thought I wasn't watching. I hate how you think it's your fault and you're not good enough for me because baby, I'm not good enough for you.

2.How you look so flawless and perfect everyone wants you. The girls get jealous, the boys want to call you theirs. Literally everywhere you go, I have hundreds of competition just wanting to prance on you. It gets on my nerves and you know it. Sometimes I have to resist the urge to stick a sticky note on your forehead claiming that you're mine, as if it isn't obvious enough already. Only I'm allowed to call you mine.

3. How you try to change to please everyone (especially the fans) but you're perfect to me and I miss the wacky and silly you. I think you think you can get away with it, wearing heels (even though you hated them) just because the fans said you looked short, wearing longer jeans because the fans called you a slut and hoe for wearing shorts, all these little things that make me wanna pull my hair out in frustration because you're slowly chipping away your perfect flaws! You don't need to change for anyone, babe. Just do you.

4. How you talk bad about yourself like you're worthless and ugly but never seem to realize the plain truth right in front of you. It's as if you missed the memo that you're the most beautiful, gorgeous, amazing girl I've ever met. It frustrates me how you never listen every time I tried telling you and think that I'm just flattering you. I'm not joking and entirely serious when I say that and I hope that one day, you will learn to believe that.

5. How I'm so uncontrollably in love with you and all of your flaws. 


Ok whutttt I have no idea what I just wrote.... it looked absolutely horrible.... I'm sorry guys :( 

All the love, Cheryl :)

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