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I was already in a bad mood, but Harry's extra cheekiness today made it even worse. I frowned obviously, trying to make him get the hint that I wasn't in the mood as I have a lot of work to get through. 

He kept tugging my pen away from me or holding it in place effortlessly with his strong hand. When he's not doing that, he spends his time staring intently at me or blowing air on my cheek or hair. While I found that sweet, I just couldn't concentrate with his emerald eyes staring at me and the unexpected breeze.

"Harry, please.... I'm trying to concentrate...." I sighed and turned to look at him warningly.

He pouted but didn't budge, continuing to annoy me. "I'm bored though..."

"Harry honey, the faster I get this done, the more time I get to spend with you..." I explained patiently.

"But I want you now...." He poked my arm consecutively.

"Harry, stop!" I groaned irritably as I blurted out what I would not be able to take back in a haste: "Can you stop being so clingy and thinking that I can drop whatever I'm doing just to spend time with you? You don't see me being like that to you when you're busy, do I? What, you expect me to be with you all the time because you're all famous and that and you expect everyone to comply to whatever you want? I'm sorry I'm not like that."

Harry's chair scraped on the floor as he got up in a haste, walking towards the couch to sulk. He muttered while rolling his eyes: "This is not anything about me being famous or not, you drama queen. I just thought you were a better girlfriend that spends her time with her boyfriend."

I pulled him back by his arm and demanded: "Oh, I'm sorry for not being a perfect girlfriend to you 24/7. Girlfriends don't just sit around waiting for their man to get home and entertain them when they're bored. Respect my work just like I respect yours, Mr, Styles!" 

I punctuate the sentence with a jab on his chest, making him even more furious. "Honest to God, Y/N. You overthink things and somehow I end up being a sexist as well as a possessive boyfriend. Is it that wrong that want my girlfriend when I'm having a bad day?"

He steppe closer with his arms open, as if to intimidate me. I stepped closer towards him as well, trying to prove that I'm not afraid of him at all.

"Well, did you ever cross your mind that I might be having a shitty day as well?" I yelled out, emotions swirling through me as I recalled my bad day.

"How was I supposed to know?!" Harry asked defiantly, though I saw his expression softened, his ego obviously did not.

I wanted to retort something snarky back but then my eyes trailed down to his beautiful pink lips, and how I have to sudden longing to stop fighting and just kiss them. As I saw him bit his bottom lips, it startled me back to reality and I quickly shifted my gaze before realizing he stopped shouting and his eyes were also concentrated on my lips.

We were now less than 15 centimeters away, the cracks and wet parts of his lips painfully detailed from this distance. Me staring at his, him staring at mine, as if we were caught in a trance.

Suddenly, he grabbed me and pulled me towards him, sealing our lips together and making me breathe out a small sigh of relief.

His lips seemed to yearn mine as much as mine, his lips melting so softly against mine, unlike his harsh words. We went on for quite a while and I realized for this whole time, I've been holding my breath, till his lips touched mine.

As we broke off, the both of us blurt out at the same time: "I'm sorry.", causing us both to smile at the same time again.

"You should've told me you were having a bad day...." Harry looked at me concernedly, wrapping his large hands around mine.

"You should've too... I would've understand." I stared back at him apologetically.

"And I would've just left you alone." Harry smirked, stroking my cheek.

"I didn't mean a word I said, Harry. I was just really stressed out and frustrated." I gabbled, trying my best to explain. 

"It's fine, darl. We'll just let bad day be our scapegoat for this fight, yeah? Let's forget about it and cuddle?" Harry suggested before remembering I'm not free.

"Ummm, I mean...." He started but I placed a finger on his lips.

"A 30 minute break should be fine...." I threw him a cheeky wink, causing him to chuckle and peck me on the forehead.

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