First One To Break

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Your POV

You sighed softly as you woke up to an empty space where Harry used to be. He didn't usually wake up before you and even if he did, he silently watches you and  as if time allows, waits till you're awake so he can be the first thing you see in the morning.

Today, the time factor is not a problem as he doesn't have work. Alas, you were left alone today but you kind of expected it anyway. You and Harry got into a huge fight yesterday night getting worked up over nothing. To be honest, you couldn't even remember what it was about. 

You got out of bed grouchily and proceeded to the washroom to start your daily routine. you wanted nothing but to make amends with Harry today, but your ego is constantly in your way.

If anyone asked you who's ego is bigger: yours or Harry's, you honestly have no idea because the both of you are extremely proud and never like to admit your mistakes in front of each other. You guess you could say the both of you are cowarding away from the situation, trying to run away from it. 

It doesn't make it go away permanently though... You thought sadly as you trudged down the stairs in your own t-shirt, making a point that you still hadn't forgiven him yet by not wearing his oversized tee like you usually do.

He sat in front of the telly, legs propped up on the table while he watched some random talk show. He glanced instinctively at the sound of you descending from the stairs. He looked away as quickly as when he first looked at you, trying to be discreet.

"Morning to you too...." You muttered under your breath, grumpy that he had given you the silent treatment and not greeting you with hugs and kisses. A big part of you really wanted to run up to his arms and cuddle up with him, like you usually do, and it takes everything in you not to succumb to that temptation. 

I'm not going to be the first one to break, I'm not going to be the first one to break... You thought as you ignored him and headed to the kitchen. Even though you knew he wouldn't save you any breakfast, you couldn't help but feel disappointed at the sight of the empty table.

You went behind to counter to make yourself a cup of tea but as you squeaked across the floor with you fuzzy slippers, you tripped over on your way to the dining table.

The content spilled out of the mug and it clashed to the ground, causing a huge clang on the floor. Even Harry couldn't help but look up. 

You cursed inwardly and gritted your teeth. You could feel the redness spreading across your cheeks.  So much for trying to be cool and noncholant.....  You immediately bent down to clean up the mess, first by picking up the sharp broken shards.

As you reached forward, you felt Harry's strong hand gripping your wrist firmly. You didn't want to look up, still choosing to be stubborn.

"Don't. I'll handle this." He said softly in his deep voice and you almost let out a cry. You missed hearing that soothing voice. You stepped away without a word and allowed Harry to clean up. You stood near him awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

After he carefully threw the shards in the bin, he wiped away the stains on the floor as well. You uttered stiffly after he's done, trying not to reveal too much emotions: "Thanks."

He curtly nodded then came closer to you. You didn't dare breath. "You're not hurt, are you?" He asked, trying to sound nonchalant but his eyebrows furrowed and his forehead creased. You know he's worried about you and you shook my head, lowering your head as tears were now threatening to fall any moment now. 

Different emotions washed over you. Relief that he's finally talking to you again. Happy that he secretly still cares. Mad at yourself and him at the same time for being so stubborn.

It was as if he could sense what's going through me right now as he let out a soft sigh, knowing full well he's the first one to break but he didn't care anymore. He can't take this silence as much as you can't. He wrapped his arms around your waist tightly, breathing in your scent as he buried your face in the crook of your neck.

A few drops of tears splattered and wet his shirt but he couldn't care less. He just missed touching you, let alone kissing you. The both of you stood there in silent, contented.

Finally, you croaked as he opened his mouth to say something as well: "I'm sorry."

The both of you looked at each other and laughed. You were glad he felt the same way.

"I'm sorry for giving you the silent treatment. I missed you, a lot." He apologized sincerely.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday and being so stubborn. I didn't mean what I said, I love you a lot." You confessed while looking at him straight in the eyes.

He chuckled and replied: "It's fine, love. I've already forgotten what we even fought about yesterday. I was just being stubborn and proud. I love you heaps, baby. Can you forgive me?" He looked at me inquisitively with his green emerald eyes. 

"I was being stubborn too, can you forgive me?" I giggled at how I'm just repeating whatever he said.

"I already did, a long time ago." He said before crashing his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, caressing his hair. Oh, how I miss this feeling. It felt like an eternity since we last kissed, when I know that it's only been less than a day.

I could feel him smiling as we kissed and I couldn't help but smile back. 

Dorks. Happy dorks.

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