Sexy Carwash

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Me and Harry spent the day at Anne's and as soon as Anne mentioned that her car needs a little washing over a cup of coffee, Harry jumped at that oppurtunity.

"Don't worry, Mum! Me and Y/N will do it for you!" Harry offered while Anne and I smiled at how sweet Harry's being.

"Yeah Anne, leave it to us!" I chirped assuringly while Harry pulled me up to my feet, swooping me into his chest.

Anne motioned us to go ahead while she prepared tea. On the way out to the garage, Harry grabbed the car keys to reverse it out of the garage while I prepared a bucket of soapy water, clothes and the hose.

"Babe, I'm rea-" Harry started as he stepped out and slammed the car door shut, but didn't get to finish his sentence as a spurt of refreshing water hit his chest.

I bent over laughing at his reaction, not realising Harry had walked up towards me. He snatched the hose from my hand and shoot a large jet of water all over me, earning a scream from me as both of my arms shot up to block it.

"HARRY!!!" I hollered as I looked down at my wet self while Harry held me by the shoulders and laughed out loud, causing me to burst out in laughter as well.

"Payback's a bitch, Y/N." Harry laughed raspily while squeezing my waist playfully. He held me tighter and was about to lean in for a kiss before I raised my hand to deflect his incoming lips.

"Hold up tiger, not so fast. We haven't even started on the car!" I reminded him and pushed him away, walking towards the hose to wet the car.

He pouted and wrapped his long around me from the back while I sprayed the car with generous amount of water.

"Harry, you're so wet!" I complained as I felt his wet chest on my already wet shirt, making me even wetter. He laughed as he leaned towards the side of my face, giving me a lick on my cheek.

"Harryyyyy......" I complained again but I was secretly so turned on by that. Harry only chuckled in response as he released me and grabbed a cloth to get started.

I turned off the hose and grabbed another cloth soaked with soapy water to wipe the side opposite of where Harry's currently working, to speed things up.

As I went towards the bucket, I glanced at Harry and blushed as I saw that he had taken off his wet shirt, showing his toned and sexy chest, even more appealing than usual as it glistened with water. A few lost strands of wet hair fell over his forehead while the rest of his hair was swept back to his head.

Is he a secretly a Greek God? He seemed to have sense me looking at him as he turned towards me and gave me a smirk that he knew I couldn't resist.

"Liking what you see?" Harry prompted while I immediately looked away to hide my blushing face.

I coughed dryly before telling an obvious lie: "Um, no...."

"'Kay, just checking." Harry shrugged before throwing me a wink. I scurried back and scrubbed the car harder than ever, trying to get his sexy body and what I want to do with it out of my head.

I grunted with effort as I tried my best to reach the top of the car. Even tip-toed, I couldn't reach it and was about to get Harry to do it for me before I felt myself getting lifted up. I let out a little startled yelp before realising I'm now seated on top of Harry's shoulder.

He smiled up at me and I blushed while leaning forward to wipe the top of the car with car wash liquid. Once it's done, Harry lowered me down to the ground.

"Can I get a kiss now?" Harry suggested helpfully while I leaned forward and puckered up my lips. Harry took that as a yes and leaned in, so close to touching my lips with his before I pulled away quickly.

"No." I answered belatedly and stuck my tongue out at him playfully. 

"Babeeeee..... Stop being such a tease!" Harry pouted while I laughed him off and worked on the hood of the car (or bonnet). I sensed Harry behind me and decided to tease him even more, knowing that my shorts are pretty short that day.

I leaned forward, my shorts hitching up and I knew Harry was watching my every move. I didn't need to turn around to know that I'm turning him on right now. I hummed a random tune and pretended I'm clueless about it, leaning forward even more and wiping the hood as torturingly slow as possible.

I let out a little gasp as I felt Harry right behind me, and I know that because his hardened member was pressed up against my butt. He turned me around and all I saw was lust and love in his eyes.

He held me by the waist while murmuring deeply: "You have no idea how hot you look, and how much I want you right now...."

"I have no idea, so show me." I said softly, lifting his chin up gently with my index finger.

And so he did. He lunged at me, kissing me full on and full of passion, right in the open as I leaned on the hood for support. I responded hungrily to his kiss and pulled his bare chest closer to me. His arms slowly snaked down from my waist to my butt, which he cupped and squeezed gently.

Our innocent kissing turned into an intense makeout session right on Anne's car. Now, my entire upper body was on the car with Harry on top of me. At that moment, Anne slipped out and gently informed us: "Tea's ready...."

Her eyes widened and she let out an amused gasp as she witnessed the sight in front of her: "O-ohhh my....."

Me and Harry looked up at the same time and while I appeared flustered and immediately stood up, Harry appeared smug and noncholant.

"" I garbled as I tried to organize my thoughts after that makeout that sent me to cloud 9.

However, Anne just laughed at how disoriented the both of us were. " Glad to see you guys enjoying yourselves...."

I blushed while Harry grinned: "We're almost done, Mum. We'll be right back."

Anne winked: "Oh, take as long as you want, I don't mind." before stepping back inside and shutting the door behind her.

"Come on, Harry. Let's get this done as quick as possible." I scrambled away for the hose to wash away the soapy suds before getting pulled back by Harry by my waist.

"Come on, Y/N. Mum said we could take as long as we want...." Harry winked while I blushed.

"Oh God, that was so embarrassing. Harry, no...." I turned away as he tried to kiss me again.

"One last one?"

"Fine." I succumbed in the end.

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