Surprise VIP

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I logged on to my laptop and bought a VIP concert ticket for the OTRA tour as soon as the sale was on and thankfully, I was fast enough because the tickets sold out in less than 5 minutes!!! Yes! I thought to myself happily, soon I'll be flying over to Sheffield to see Harry who I haven't seen since the last 3 months! I got excused from work for a whole week around that time.

About a week later, I got my ticket through the mail and I kissed the ticket repeatedly, the wonderful 3rd row seat VIP ticket, at the side of the stage unfortunately but it'll have to do. 

I planned to keep it a secret and surprise Harry on that day itself. Time flies and soon, I took the train over to Sheffield and arrived at the venue. 

Some fans recognized me and asked what was I doing here. I let them in my secret and begged them not to expose it. Thankfully, I didn't receive any hate as some lovely fans asked for some fun facts about Harry, which I dished out sparingly. I had a nice chat with some of them and ended up making some new friends! The fans could be so nice sometimes... :)

Finally, I found my seat number and sat down, waiting patiently for another 10 minutes to pass before the show start. I was wearing my favorite black top and simple jeans shorts with a pair of wedges. *PIC

Soon, the arena was filled with people and it instantly started getting a little loud and frenzy. The countdown begin and the crowd cheered and counted along.


The stage lit up with crazy lights and the boys bounded around the stage, Niall giving the fans a friendly wave *cues the screaming and fainting and Harry started off with the first lines of "Clouds" while the fans joined in.

I was immediately infected with this happy and energetic atmosphere that I immediately started bopping up and down to the beat. After Clouds ended, the boys gave the crowd in the arena a hearty greeting.

"HOW YA'LL DOING, SHEFFIELDDDDDDD!!!!!!" Harry hollered and the girls near me squealed and screamed so high pitched I thought my eardrums are going to rupture and bleed. 

"It is absolutely amazing to be back home, guys!" Liam smiled and scanned his eyes around the crowd and caught my eyes. He looked surprised and I immediately put my index finger on my lips and giving him a wink. He understood and gave me a mysterious and cute wink back.

About 10 minutes into the show, Harry glanced around the front rows while fixing his earpiece and.... he noticed me.

His face immediately brightened up and he pointed at me, giving me a "whattttttt" gesture. He was already smiling before this but somehow, his grin got bigger once he saw me and his dimple was so obvious now.

The camera immediately moved to where Harry is pointing at and once the fans saw what's on the scream, they broke into another frenzy, especially the girls near me, who were squealing and jumping up and down madly.

I stuck my tongue out playfully at Harry and he blew me a kiss, then placing his hand on his heart, as if saying he missed me. Niall noticed me and gave me a friendly hello. I greeted him back. 

Suddenly, Harry had an idea as he gestured for the guard closest to him to come closer to him. He whispered something in his ears as the crowd screamed loudly and pointed at me several times. 

The guard nodded and came towards me, telling me to come up on stage. While I wrestled my way to the closest gate, Harry explained: "So as you can see, my lovely girlfriend had decided to stop by to give me a wonderful surprise. Now if you don't mind, I would like to give her a huge hug because I missed her so much and we haven't seen each other for about 3 months now..."

The crowd went "awwww" and when Harry asked again if they mind, all of them shouted in unison: "NOOOO!!!" and cheered even louder, egging us on. 

The camera now focused on me, I had managed to climb over the gate but the stage platform is still too tall for me, Harry bend down and I raised my arms up. He pulled me up effortlessly as if I'm as light as a feather, his biceps showing, giving the fans a treat. 

As soon as I'm up on that stage, secured by Harry's strong arms, we just went straight in for a huge bear hug. That hug was so breath-crushing, Harry's arms squeezed tightly around my waist and mine around his neck. We held each other so tightly as if it's our last hug.  

He buried his face in the crook of my neck while I rested my chin on his shoulder, lost amongst his long manes. 

The crowd did not stop cheering, in fact, it was getting louder and louder as each second passed. I'm so glad and thankful that they didn't mind me and Harry's display of affection. We held each other for God knows how long, whispering stuff like: "I missed you like crazy", "I love you so much", "Thank you for coming" and basically sweet nothings into each other's ears.

I breathed in Harry's familiar scent and relaxed instantly. Soon, we broke off as it is only appropriate, but we both long to be in each other's arms forever.

Harry took his mic out of his pocket and addressed the crowd once again: "Soooo.... well, where were we?" 

The crowd and the boys laughed, now that the boys realized my presence, all of them gave me a friendly wave.

Suddenly the crowd unanimously chanted: "KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!"

Harry acted like he was shocked and placed a hand over his chest. I laughed at his reaction but we both know we long for each other's lips more than anything.

Even the boys chanted along with the crowd, Niall finding the situation hilarious and couldn't stop laughing.

Harry raised up his hands, as if admitting defeat and teased: "If you say so..."

He looked back at me with love in his eyes, held me by the waist again and crushed his lips against mine. Once our lips touched, it's full on. Our lips hungrily felt each other, wanting more and more, moving in sync. 

We must've gone on for about 10 seconds, but I placed my hand on his chest to push him a bit away from me. I didn't want to disrespect the fans and go out of control with this. He looked at me understandingly and looked back to the crowd with a grin as the crowd went wild.

"Now if I may..." He started but the crowd was still in a frenzy. He patiently waited for silenced and when it is acheived, he spoke up again: "Now if I may, I would like to dedicated the next song to my beautiful girlfriend, Y/n"

"Here's Fireproof, enjoy!" Harry shouted out the last bit. I wanted to go back down the stage because I feel like my presence wasn't wanted but Harry sat down and motioned for me to sit on his lap. 

I looked around awkwardly but finally agreed. He ended up serenading his solos to me, never taking his eyes off me for the whole song while I'm sitting on his lap. 

Saying that was the best concert ever is the understatement of the year.


Sorry if I couldn't describe their concert that accurately bc sadly, I haven't attended any concert of thiers.

All the love, Cheryl   x

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