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I got this idea from a prompt, it's not my idea, I just expanded it :)


All the way to the party, I hadn't stop complaining and moaning about how far the journey is. 

"Harryyyyyyy, are we almost there? I thought you said this party was close by!" I whined as I struggle to catch up with his long strides.

"It is close by, love! Sam's party is just round the corner." He chuckled at my complain and assured me.

"Harry, you practically said that 10 minutes ago! We've been walking for 15 minutes! My heels are killing me...." I moaned and acted pathetic, hoping he'll show some sympathy but till now, he showed no sign.

"Baby, toughen up. It really isn't that far darling!" Harry slowed down a little to match my pace while I huffed.

"Apparently, yours and my definition of close is vastly different!" I crossed my arms and pouted, acting like a child while Harry shook his head, looking at me with an amused look on his face.

"You're acting like a child now..." Harry chuckled and I pouted even more.

"So what if I'm acting like a child? It's been almost 25 minutes of walking now and how far more i-" You were halfway complaining but you stopped short when Harry suddenly grabbed you and sweep you off your feet so he's now carrying you bridal style, with you cozily in his strong arms.

He made it seems so effortless and it's as if you weigh as light as a feather.

"What the- Harry, let me down!" I yelled at him defiantly.

Harry looked down at me and replied firmly but with a hint of playfulness. "Nuh-uh, not a chance. You've been acting like a child so this is what you get- I'm going to treat you like one."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you!" You hit his chest lightly but showed no other sign of struggle because you secretly liked it.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you!" Harry mocked my tone and exaggerated it so it sounded squeakier. 

"Now you're acting like a child!" I pointed out and Harry laughed heartily.

"I'm sorry for complaining, can you let me down now? This is so embarrassing!" I hissed urgently as some passerbys looked at us curiously while Harry displayed his signature cheeky smile, like he's proud of showing me off.

"Hmmm... I actually kind of like it like that, so no." Harry bluntly rejected.

"Ughhhhh....." I groaned and kicked my legs up and down a little, frustrated.

"Child...." Harry whispered in my ears as he saw the little action I did there.

"Oh, shut up! God, this is hella embarrassing...." I muttered in a low voice.

"Actually, I find this rather sweet, don't you?" Harry teased.

I stayed silent, not answering and he took that as a yes. "Awwww, my baby is too proud to admit it, is she? Don't worry, if you really like it just complain all the way back again!" Harry suggested brightly and I feel like I'm now doing him a favor.

I couldn't help but laugh at that thought and Harry brightened after seeing a smile finally on my face.

"That's my girl." He said warmly as we finally reached "round the corner", the actually one and not the one he said simply for almost 3 times.

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