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60th imagine yay! :)


You snapped the book that you're reading shut, finally finished with it, the end of the gripping thriller you've been reading since the past week. You drew a shaky breath as you thought of how creepy the ending was. An ending that wasn't really the end, ending on a cliff hanger where the maniac that stalked and killed the innocent girl was still on the loose.

The last sentence of the book: His eyes gleamed when he looked straight ahead, spotting his next victim.

Straight ahead meaning... at me? You pondered and looked around you as an afterthought. Oh my God, I shouldn't have finish reading this without Harry here, I feel so scared and jumpy now....

Somewhere upstairs, you heard a creak. You let out a little yelp and jumped, immediately holding up the book that you're reading in a defense position, above your head where you can bring it down on crazy stalkers. 

Where's Harry when I need him? I thought of something and immediately leaped up from the sofa to double check all of the locks in this house, especially the front and back door, making sure it's locked.

Wait..... A shiver ran down my spine as a blood-curdling thought reached my mind. What if... the killer is in the house? I'll be locking myself up with him then! I covered my mouth before the scream came out.

Oh my God, calm down would you? The sensible part of me finally voiced up. Are you honestly allowing yourself to be so worked up merely because of a stupid book?

It's not stupid! It's so detailed and attention grabbing I can just imagine it clearly in my head! Another part of me argued.

Let's just make ourselves a cup of tea while waiting for Harry to come back, ladies. The sensible side of me spoke up again and I instantly agreed with it.


Harry's POV

I opened the door and the first thing that welcomed me was Y/N flinging her body onto mine. 

"Harry, you're finally back!" Y/N cried out happily as I wrapped my arms around her torso, giving her a kiss on top of her head. 

"Miss me much?" I teased Y/N and our lips connected immediately.

"Hello, you..." I whispered when we broke off.

Y/N smiled at me and clung on my biceps as I walked inside. She's acting a bit weird today, being extra close to me.... She normally would've just went back to whatever she's doing before this but today, she followed me around everywhere, even when I'm just getting a glass of water to drink from the counter.

She clung onto my back like a koala, wrapping her arms around my broad shoulder and sticking her whole body on me while I grabbed her arms and pulled her closer to me from behind. 

"Watch out, I'm gonna sit on the sofa! You don't wanna get squashed, do you?" I called out as a warning to her before sitting my butt down as she's still clung onto my back.

She stuck her tongue out playfully, not moving an inch. She probably thinks I wouldn't dare to do this to her and I'm gonna prove her wrong.

I laid back down on the sofa with a comfortable sigh, squashing her under me.

"Ow! Harry, you meanie..." She complained as her whole body took on my whole weight. I chuckled as I decided to have mercy on her and lifted my upper body up a little, allowing her to wriggle away.

She came back to me for a cuddle, pouting annoyedly. "You're lucky I love you...." She muttered as she rested her head cozily on my chest.


As I stepped out of the shower, I was shocked to see Y/N sitting on our bed in the bedroom, staring at me as I stepped out with only a towel on my waist.

Y/N doesn't normally wait outside for me, what is going on today? She's acting a little weird today, being extra clingy. Not that I mind, of course as koala Y/N is just the best. I just wanted to know what's bothering her today.

Before this, while we're walking up the stairs, there was a creak somewhere and Y/N literally jumped a feet, let out a cute yelp and tightened her arms around my bicep, looking around wildly.

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, something's bothering her and I won't have a good night's sleep without finding out what is it.


Securely under our cozy blanket, Y/N seemed to have calmed down but she's still a little fidgety. She was facing me and I suddenly took both her hands in mine. 

"Y/N, is something bothering you, my love? You can tell me anything, baby..." I gently rubbed her cold hands nestled in mine, trying to calm her down.

"What? What are you talking about, everything's fine haha...." She started blabbering nonsense before quietly asking me: "What makes you say that?"

"Well, it's just that you're being extra clingy today...." I admitted.

"Oh, I'm sorry...." Y/N lowered her head in embarrassment and I quickly lifted her head up so she's looking at me.

"No no, baby. Please don't take it the wrong way. I love it when you're clingy like that. It makes me feel loved and you're so adorable when you do that anyway...." I assured her.

She brightened then silently confessed: "It's just that I've finished reading this thriller...."

"The one you've been reading all week? Obsession, is it called?" I asked her, still rubbing her hands soothingly.

"Yeah, that one.... the ending's really creepy and I got so worked up because of it all day, especially when you weren't here. I was so afraid that the stalker will come get me, you don't understand, Harry! He's absolutely crazy in an eerie way!" She tried to convince me of how scary it is.

"I didn't want to tell you this before because I'm afraid you'll find me so silly, getting worked up just because of a book...." She buried her face under my neck, her voice muffled.

"Hey hey, sweetheart.... I'll never ever judge you or think of you as silly just because of that! It's completely normal to be afraid of a book but don't you worry my love, I'm here now, and I will protect you with all my heart. I won't let anything hurt you." I combed through her lovely hair with my fingers.

She mumbled something incoherent into my neck and I felt her hot breath against it.

"Shhhhh, don't you worry sweetheart. I got your back, I got you.... I promise you that I'll protect you and fight off every bad guys for you, just say the words." I vowed to her. 

She murmured: "Thank you, Hazza....I love you." before placing a kiss on my neck.

"I love you too, sweetheart. Sleep tight, I got you darling." I said before pulling her closer to me, till there's no spaces between us, fitting together like a puzzle piece.


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All the love, Cheryl x

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