Hell just broke loose

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"What the hell" i whispered as i realize I'm on my room."i brought you here" says alex standing by the door. "So ..how are you feeling?" "From the part that my fathers dead,i have a headache"i say stretching "i'll be right back" he says running down the stairs. "Damn i look bad" i say as i look at my self in the mirror. The eyeshadow all messed up as well as the lip stick and only one fake eye lash.As i'm washing my face i hear a knock on the door "mads i brought you the pills" "come in!" "I'm sorry for your lost" says emily sitting on the toilet seat. "Thats ok,the only one thats going to be sorry is the bitch that killed my father." "Mads..just drink the pills they'll make you feel better" i nod.
I drink my pills,change,and then walk down the stairs. As i'm walking down i hear my dads phone ringing. "Stefan thank god you answered there has been an attack.Me and my family are very scared and we have no where to go" "yea just like i was scared and had no where to go" silence "Madison?.. oh my.. your alive!" "Yea because i had to survive by my self,but you already knew that " "listen mads i'm,we are very sorry for leaving you-" "yea yea same old excuses,cut the bullshit.what do you mean about that "you guys are in danger" ." "We received a letter about a month ago saying where were you" "me?..who the fuck would be asking for me.No one knows I'm working for the gang" "i don't know why tho.so we ignored it but then yesterday we had an attack and we don't know what to do" "listen i'll give you shelter because after all this shit you guys are still family but, you have to stay home and act normal for a week.I'm going to have people so rounding you guys for protection.we will try to track the person and see who it is" "thank you mads" "its Madison" "*sighs* ok" he says "disappointed." stupido *rolls eyes* "Are you guys still living in the same house?" "Yes,you remember the address right?" "No,i don't remember the house i grew up in" sarcasm clear in my voice "madi-" emily walks in and mouths "emergency" "I have to go,remember what i told you" "ok i lo-" and i hang up "bitch" i chuckled. "Em what happened" "some of our gang members were killed!" "Who?" " Rafael,John,and Robert" "fuck!,Rafael and John were 2 of our best" "i know and theres more" she says looking down,she's sad? "em what is it?" I say worried "They took Alex"and she broke down. Hell just broke loose. "DEREK,DAMIEN!!" "Yes Madison whats wrong?!" "Get our truck ready and tell our best we are going to attack" "what happened where's boss" "he died yesterday night" "oh i'm sor-" "ENOUGH!!! Lets get going!!" "How are we attacking if we don't know were he is?"says em sniffing. "My dad putted chips on everyone" "i have one?" "Yes" "the fuck,i didn't know" she says shocked "i know me neither until a month ago" "Madison the trucks ready!!" "LETS GO!!" They took one of my best friends,my brother.Now they are going to pay.


"This is it" we made it to an abandoned warehouse."does it say he's inside?" "Yea with two other people" "ok everyone take your guns out we are going to attack but, be quite" we take small steps then i see two figures and we shot them repeatedly just to find out they were already dead."FUCK!! They found out!" " mads?" I hear some one whisper. "Oh Alex"


Alex passed out on the way home but he's now with our doctor. "Good think you brought him in time he was loosing a lot if blood." Blood? "Blood? ,from where?" "He has burns and he had a gun shot in his leg" "oh....will that leave scars?" "Most likely" "ok,i'll tell the others" i walk out the room and em jumps up from her seat. "What did they say" she said teary eyed "we brought him in time he had a gun shot in his leg that was being covered up by his pants.He also has burns." "Is he awake?" "No....he's also going to get pissed..he has scars" "we need to talk him in to them then,we can't have him feeling bad because of scars.but,i can't blame him we have more scars than what we can count" she says looking down. "Come here em" i say with my hands open like she does to me. "Everything will be fine.He'll get thru it...we all are."


"Derek have you seen anything?" "No only their mail man" "*sighs frustratedly* derek?" "Hmm?" "Your a retard ,how can you be so stupid?,that was probably an undercover mail man.he's probably the one that's giving them the letters." "Im sorry." "Do you remember the number of the car?" "No,sorry" "get out and call emily in" "ok" as he walks out as  emily comes in "you called?" "Em i need you to check if  someone close to my parents house has security cameras and if they do hack in" "why something wrong" "I think the mail man might be working  for the person threatening my family.i mean he's probably the one giving them the letters." "Oh... what do you want me to do?" "Get the car number then we can track them down." "Ok i'll start hacking"


"Found it,its 590A76" "ok thanks,call Erik in" I need to call my dad after I talk with Erik.I just hope there's a letter , for us to get it over with. "What is it mads" "i need you to go to my parents house and wait for the mail man ,its 5:00 and the mail man goes at 6 you need to be there for when he arrives then you follow him." "Ok" "oh and you call me for back up" "on it" as he leaves i grab the phone and call my dad "mads?" "Yes dad its me,has anything arrived?" "No not yet" "i think theres going to be something today because todays the last day of the week and the mail mans don't work Saturday or Sunday." "Ok i'll keep you updated" "ok just for you to feel safe there's around 20 people protecting you guys" "ok i have to go,i don't want to seem suspicious" "dale,bye"

*mail man arrives*

"He's here and he's dropping of a letter,do i follow?" "Yes follow him then call back ,I'm sending back up" "got it" now to call dad "dad theres a letter at the door go get it" "ok what is it?" "I don't know i think its another threat open it and you'll see" i hear him open the the letter and murmur words. "They say they know there's people protecting us,that they want to know where you are" "don't do anything , go to the basement and come out when i tell you,i have to go,bye." I need to call Erik ;i just hope he captured the mail man. "Madison i followed him and it stopped at a mansion." "Which mansion?" "The one where the Venom gang stay in when they come from Europe" the Venom gang the fuck? Oh fuck, the party "knock on the door and tell them you have a message from the leader of the black blood  gang and tell them i want to meet" "WHAT!?! I can't do that they might kill me!!" My god "look around" there's  40people protecting him.stupid "oh *laughs nervously*" "GO!!" I hear him say the "message" then i  hear them saying that they'll tell the boss."He said ok, to meet him at the near by cafe" the fuck the cafe mira que es tonto,we might get caught "tell him we might get caught" then i hear murmurs "he said he owns the cafe so nothing bad will happen" "say ok that we will meet tomorrow at 2:30pm" then i hear more murmurs and a door slam. "There mission complete" "ok come back ,i'll tell our people to come back" "ok bye" "bye."

    I wonder why they are asking for me. Was i too obvious? Does he know i'm  the leader?

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