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"Ugh, Allura why do I have to help train?" I wined. "Because me and Coran have to go to a nearby planet to talk to some people" Allura stated. "But all of them suck at training" I smirked."Who sucks at what?" Shiro says while walking into the dining room. "Ya who?" Pidge asked while behind Shiro. "All of you at training" I state happily.

Shiro laughs. Keith and lance walk in just seconds after arguing. Hunk is in the kitchen cooking lunch.

"Ok good everyone is here" Allura says while Hunk looks back from cooking. "What's up Allura?" Shiro asks. "Well me and Coran have to go to a nearby planet for a couple of hours" "But we found out you guys have a lot of training to do" She states sternly. "So what?" Keith says. "That me-" Coran cuts her off. "That means Y/N will train you guys" Lance scoots over to you. "That's fine with me more time to spend with her"

He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and push him away from me.

"Ugh your so annoying" I say while standing up. "Well I'm going to go get changed,all of you be ready when I come back"

They all nod and head for the training room. I go into my  room and change as Allura and Coran leave.

You change into your workout gear ^^ and head to the training room

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You change into your workout gear ^^ and head to the training room.When you walk in Shiro is getting ready.Pidge is playing with a gadget.Hunk is waiting patiently for you to come back. Lance is on the floor with his feet in the air.Then Keith is just leaning on the wall.

'He is so dreamy' I thought. 'Wait,what!No he's not Y/N get it together'

"I'm back now everyone get ready" I  yell and that grabs everybody's attention. "Ok so today everyone will be fighting me" I sternly say."Pftt"Keith spits out.

Everyone turns to look at him."You really think you can fight us?" He says.

"Well duh I'm better then all of you" I say getting closer to him."Prove it"

We were now face to face."Fine" We both get into position."Is this really necessary guys?" Shiro says with worry in his voice. "Yes it's going to help you guys with combat" I yell as I take out my knifes.

Keith lunges at me with full force.I easily dodge his attack.He swings his sword but I block it.This goes on for awhile until he kicks me in the stomach and I slide backwards.I fall to my knees and pretend I'm  really hurt.Everyone gasps.Keith looks at me with shock.

"Y-Y/N" he stutters out.I knew this was the perfect time to attack.I push off the ground and jump on top of him.His sword falls to the ground.I pin him to the ground.Everyone looks at me with awe.Right then Allura and Coran walk in.

"I win" I state with a smirk.He glares at me and pushes me off him.We both get up and look at Allura and Coran.

"How was the training?" She asks."Pretty good" I say. "Sure,anyway I have great news"

"What is it?"Hunk asks. "Well the people on the nearby planet have asked us to come to a dinner party!" She says happily.

"It is in an hour,so get ready and also it is formal" She finishes and walks out.

"Great I have to wear a dress" I say with your hands on my hips. Lance asks me.

"What's so bad about dresses don't you like skirts?"

"Ya but I don't wear them often and I'm not a big fan" I say when I feel my hands heat up.

I freak out and seconds later my shirt catches a little fire.I yelp.Everyone turns to me with scared expressions.I put the fire out and stare at everyone.

"How did your clothes catch fire?" Shiro asks as he makes sure your ok.

"Uh...I don't know but we should go get ready"

I say nervously.They all look at me confused but can see I don't want to talk.So they nod and we all head to our rooms.I get inside and slam my door shut.I sit on my bed and just think about what happened.'I can't believe that just happened' I thought.

"Mommy Mommy! look what I can do" little  Y/N snaps her finger and a little flame lights above her finger. "You did it baby girl" Your mom says. Y/N was born with special powers.She had the power of fire.But she is in danger.Y/N has more secrets then you think.She was half galra. Her mom was human and her dad was galra.The galra wanted to use her as a weapon but her mom would not let them have her.Thats when you and your mom left your dad.
Flashback End

I snapped out of your thoughts when I realized I had to get ready.I quickly got into the dress I liked the most.

I let my h/l down and brush my h/c locks down

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I let my h/l down and brush my h/c locks down.I put on the tiniest bit of makeup,brush my teeth,wash I face,and put on some jewelry.Allura called for everyone to the control room.I quickly got my black combat bats and headed out the door while putting them on.Before I walked out I put my favorite perfume on.I walk into the control room and everyone turns towards me.They all stare.

"What?"I say after awhile. "Nothing" Shiro,Hunk,and Keith say in unison. Lance walks over to me and says.

"You look really pretty" I look at him wide eyed. "Th-Thanks"I blush a tint pink. 'Why am I blushing' 'Ugh'

My thoughts are stopped when I hear lance scream.I look up and see him jumping up and down trying to blow out the little fire I created. I cover my mouth while everyone tries to calm him down.

"Why does stuff keep catching on fire?" He asks as while calming down.Everyone looks at me.

"Y/N is there something you want to tell us?" Shiro asks you concerned. "N-no" I stutter.He walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.Pidge speaks up.

"We know your lying and why are you stuttering?" "Ya you never stutter" Hunk says. "We can find out later we have to leave" Allura says. I sigh in relief.I just want this night to be over.

Well I'm done for now it's literally 5 am and I need sleep but I will update when I have a chance which will be tomorrow but ya 1110 words will do more in the next chapter k night

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