Found and Lost

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Hey guys I'm back.But school has been getting in the way of me posting a new chapter.But I am trying my hardest and I have sooooo much homework to let's just get back to it.

I woke up in a cell that was covered in purple.Kinda of nice since it was dark.Then I realized what happened before I passed out.'My mom!' Someone came up to my cell and looked at me with surprise.

"Is it really you?"The man said.I could tell it was a man because of his low voice and broad shoulders.The guy came closer into the light.Then I knew who it was.

"Dad?" I whispered.Before he could say anything alarms blared.(Didn't see that coming did you,Probably)

"I will come back for you baby girl"He told me then ran off.I was bandaged but my clothes were still soaked in blood.Then all of a sudden I heard someone running towards my cell.I saw a flash of red and green and I knew who it was.I yelled for them"Keith,Pidge over here"

They turned around and were glad to see me."Y/N we're so glad we found you!"Keith said.Pidge nodded.Pidge cut the bars so I could get out.Keith and I hugged for what seemed like forever.Pidge cleared her throat."Could y'all be lovey later"We blushed but nodded.We ran for their lions but got cornered when we heard gun fire.Just then Lance and Hunk came around the corner.

"Y/N"Lance and Hunk both ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug."We have to get out of here now!"Keith warned us.

When we got to their lions the galra started shooting at us.I turned around and saw my mom and dad.I wanted to run to them so bad."Y/N let's go!!" Everyone was yelling for me to leave.All of a sudden I started walking.

My body was numb.It felt like I wasn't moving my body.Then I looked up and my mom and dad had apologetic expressions on their faces."Y/N,Y/N what are you doing!" Pidge yelled after me.

I got to my parents and they gave me a hug.They put something on my wrist after the guards tried to take me.They both pushed me away from them,but I still couldn't feel anything.Before I hit the floor someone caught me.They were yelling my name but I couldn't hear anything.

As they were running shots were fired.Then I got shot in the leg.Before we made to the ship I could feel my body again.I gasped and rolled out of the persons grasp.I felt the cold ground hit me face.I tried standing up but my leg was in so much pain.I fell to the floor with a thud.

I was again picked up and I felt cold air on my face."Y/N are you ok?" I was able to pick out the voice,it was Lance.I slowly nodded.I could tell we were in the red lion because of the red interior.Everyone was looking at me if I had horns going out of my head."What?" They all pointed to my face.I found a shiny object and picked it up.I looked at myself in the object.Then darkness hit me.

Oh another cliff hanger.I know I'm making you pass out a lot but it helps when I need more time.Sorry it's so short I have so much homework and I just had to finish this chapter.Please comment any suggestions you have for me. Hasta mañana!❤️

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