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Hello I'm back and sleepless But oh well I'll get over it anyway I hope you actually liked my crappy story so far if you are reading this I guess you like it.Well that's a first but anyway let the story begin also I will be posting the outfits you wear just cuz I like clothes a lot
(It will always be in your perspective)
As I was walking with everyone into the village I got nervous.I was walking next to Keith and he noticed.

"Hey" I turned and looked at him."Its going to be ok,ok?"

He had a lot of a reassuring tone in his voice that made me feel better.I nodded.As I nodded I didn't notice I was inside a little dining area.Then people greeted us all and asked us to sit down.I sat in between Shiro and Hunk.Everything was going fine until the leader(they are aliens) asked me a question."So Y/N are you from Earth as well?" I grew nervous.Everyone looked at me.

"Uh y-yes" I said nervously." look human but I sense many things from you"The leader said.I grew tense.I knew exactly what he meant by that.

"I-It doesn't seem likely" I said quickly but still nervous.He spoke up."I know what it is....."He said suspiciously.I felt my hands heat up fast.I quickly stood up and excused myself.I walked outside and calmed myself down.I walked over to a ledge and sat down.'Am I normal' 'Don't think that' I sighed.I heard footsteps behind me which me figured was one of the paladins,so I brushed it off.Then I noticed that no one sat next to me.I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye.Slowly I took a knife out.I turn around and say

"Come out" They didn't move.I stepped closer but that was a big mistake.They jumped on top me with a knife to my throat.They tied up my hands and put me over their shoulder.I screamed for the paladins.I saw them running outside and looking around.They saw me and ran for me.The person who took me ran.I struggled but couldn't get the rope loose.Then I realized I have powers."Duh" I mumbled. I burned the rope and jumped out of the persons arms.I grabbed my knifes and turned to look at them.As they didn't feel my presence in their arms they turned and looked at me."What do you want from me?"I asked the figure.

"You know exactly what we want" They said. "Y/N!" I heard Pidge yell my name."Your not taking me anywhere" I stated."That's what you think"

They said then all of a sudden I felt a pain in my hands.I looked at them and they were glowing red.The pain grew and grew.It spread throughout my body.I fell on the ground screaming.Just as the figure was coming up to me,the paladins came running up behind me.My screams grew louder as the pain grew way more than before.Hunk and Pidge came to my aid while Shiro,Lance,and Keith went to fight the figure.The figure spoke,"until next time" Then disappeared.Once they were gone the screaming stopped.I panted from all the yelling."Are you ok?" Hunk asked me.The rest of the boys ran up to me."Can you stand?" Lance asked.

"I-I think so" I stumbled on my words as I tried to stand.I failed to stand and fell.But I felt arms embrace me.They carried me bridal style.I felt them walking somewhere.I slightly opened my eyes and saw it was Keith.Allura kept asking if I was ok.Shiro kept trying to assure her everything was fine.I tapped Keith and told him to put me down.He carefully put me down but still held onto me so I wouldn't fall.I stopped Allura's worries.

"Allura calm down I'm fine" Everyone looked at me and were relieved I was fine.The leader looked at me with suspicious eyes. I got a little creeped out and my hand heated up.Keith yelped but only I could hear it.He was holding his arm.He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.I put my head down in embarrassment.Soon the leader spoke.He gasped.Everyone looked at him confused.

"I know what she is" He finally said.He looked at me with fear in his eyes.He stepped back.

"Monster!" Everyone's eyes went wide.Your hands got hot again."Kill her"The leader said.Everyone jumped."What!"Allura screamed.The guards charged at me but Keith stopped them from getting to me.

"Why does she need to be killed"Allura asked scared for your life."She is the beast that is destroying this galaxy.Everyone stopped and looked at me.Allura turned back to the leader and told him.

"I assure you she is not going to hurt you"After awhile me and the paladins left the planet in silence.When I got back to the castle I went straight to my room to changed into simple pjs.(just without the phone case,shoes,and whatever the black thing is,also the hair)

(just without the phone case,shoes,and whatever the black thing is,also the hair)

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I walk into the dining room for a quick snack before bed.I didn't really eat that night cuz of my nerves.When I walked in I saw everyone was talking at the table.They all turned and looked at me.I held my head down in shame.

"Y/N can we talk to you?" Shiro asked softly.I nodded slowly and went to sit down.After a moment of silence I spoke up.

"Are you all mad at me?"I practically whispered it but they heard me."Yes and no"Allura spoke.

"But why didn't you tell us?"Pidge asked with a concerning tone."We are your friends,aren't we?"Hunk asked with sadness in his voice.

"Of course it's just..."I paused."Keep going"Lance looked up at me with a smile. Keith looked at me with reassuring eyes and smiled.I kept going."I was scared you would throw me out and not be my friends anymore"I finally got it out.

"Really,you thought that?" Shiro asked.I nodded."Please you have helped us way to much for us not to be your friend"Pidge tried cheering me up.It worked I smiled."Ya your our best friend and maybe my future girlfriend"Lance said with a smirk.I chuckled.

"Sure are!"Hunk hugged you tightly."Thanks guys"I said trying to talk while being squeezed to death.He soon let go of me to go make a snack for me.But there was something else I needed to get off my chest.

"Uh guys..?" "Ya what's up"Lance asked with concern and confusion.Everyone stopped the little conversations they were having to look at me."Uh well I still have something I need to say" I say."What?" Allura asks.I hesitate to continue."You can tell us"Keith says.I nod and keep going.

"Well......I have special powers that I was born with" "Cool!"Pidge exclaims."OMG are you serious!Thats so awesome!"Lance is practically jumping up and down from excitement.I giggle."So what is your power"Allura and Keith say in unison."Fire"I said proudly."So that's why everything has been catching fire"Shiro says laughing.

"And why my foot was on fire"Lance said giggling."And why my arm got burnt"Keith added."Oh I meant to ask if you were fine"I told Keith.

He nodded to let me know he was fine.Hunk then came out of the kitchen and set a plate of Altean cookies.I thanked him and all of us ate them.I soon went to bed with a smile on my face.'Maybe everything will be alright' I thought as I drifted to sleep.But will it really be?

I have not slept for 24 hours writing this book ugh I haven't eaten but the love relationship between Keith and the reader will progress it just doesn't happen in one or two of the chapters So I'm going to leave it here for now Thanks for reading appreciate it Bye loves❤️

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