Here we go again!

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I was really comfortable when I woke up. I felt on my back, at first I was confused at what it was, then I remembered what happens last night. I smiled as I thought back. My back was up chest. I was in a T-shirt and shorts. Keith was in pajama pants with no shirt.

I snuggled my back into his chest. He then started to shift around behind me. He slowly started to sit up. I turned over to face him and smiled. He smiled back as he ran his hand through his hair and kissed my forehead. "I love you" He said in a soft sincere voice.
My smile went from ear to ear. I jumped on top him into a hug. He fell on his back in the bed.

I was straddling him as I pushed up off his chest. "I love you too" I said as I kissed him. After the kiss I got off of him and when Keith got up to get a shirt Shiro came on the speaker. "Everyone to the control room with your suits..........oh and Y/N just wear something nice." Me and Keith looked at each other. "Well you heard him." I got up and headed to my room when he stopped me. "Oh also your room is trashed." He said turning back around. I was still confused as to what he was talking about.

I walked to my room and opened the door. I stared at what I saw. My room was filled with ashes. I walked over to my closet, good thing that I got a fire proof closet. I opened it and all my clothes were just fine. I sighed with relief. I grabbed my nicest outfit that wasn't a dress and put it on.

I walked out of my room to the lounge

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I walked out of my room to the lounge. I was walking in the hallway when I was picked up and thrown over someones shoulder. I was about to scream when I heard who it was. "Hey, you glad to see me?" It was Keith. "I mean if you put me down I could be" I spoke with a smile. He put me down as I faced him. 

"Well would you like a piggyback ride?" I dont know why but I got all excited. I happily nodded. I jumped up on his back and we headed to the lounge. When we got there everyone turned towards us. "Finally you guys are awake" Allura said.

Everyone smiled at us except Lance. He looked at us with a sad, pained expression. I frowned at the sight. To cheer him up I went and sat next to him. I was next to Lance and Hunk was on the other side of him. Keith sat next to Shiro.

"Alright everyone we have another meeting with some more allies." I intensely tensed up. Lance looked over at me. He grabbed my hand, I looked at him confused. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back. Allura began to talk about the rest of the meeting but I was out of it.

I stopped paying attention completely. I was thinking about so many things at once. I was put out of my thoughts when I heard two people screaming. I looked up to see Keith and Lance putting out a fire that was on them. They both looked at me.

Oh no I forgot. When I think of people my reflexes go crazy. Which is bad because I was thinking of both of them. "What the heck was that for?" I couldn't even answer that. "Let's just go meet the new allies" Allura finished.

Well here we go again.

I'm so sorry for the wait but tomorrow I am busy so I won't post anything depending on my free time. Sorry this is short but I hope you like it BYE Oh also some of you guys commented my me saying that I like BTS which I am in love with them but if you wanna chat feel free ok now bye💗

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