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It was a normal day on the ship just like any other day except Y/N was acting strange and everyone could tell. It was training day, Allura had made this day so they could all get better on their own skills and working together. Everyone was their grumpy selfs when the princess had woken them up early in the morning, but Y/N wasn't like she normally was.

She had a blank face all morning when she was usually like the others and everyone was suspicious. "Hey what's going on with Y/N?, she seems dead" Hunk asked as he shudders. "Don't know but let's just leave it, alright?" Shiro looked at everyone. The rest nodded but Keith who seemed to be observing her from a little ways beside her.

Before he could do anything Allura spoke up. "Okay guys let get this training going, how about Y/N go first" Everyone looked at her but she met none of their eyes and continued walking to grab a sword and get in position. As the gladiator dropped down her face never changed. When it charged she gave it a slight glare.

The fight was intense, every time their swords would collide Y/N would get pushed back from the force. She was getting angered from the fact that nothing was happening. She quickly got up and charged, her plan to just straight up attack which was not thought through, failed as the gladiator just moved out of the way and she stumbled and fell on the ground face first.

She sat there astonished at her foolishness. Yet a voice snapped her out of her trance. "Watch out!" She quickly turned on her back put her sword up. It came in contact with the other sword. The gladiator was now face to face with her slowly pushing down. Her sword was slowly getting closer to her throat.

The gladiator's eye flashed as if it was out for blood.
It was getting harder to uphold the strength to push back. "Allura stop it now!" Keith cried out. "Just a little longer" She said staring at what was happening. Everyone was biting their tongues or holding their breathe. Y/N was struggling even more now. The sword was right against her throat but not enough to cut through her skin.

"HELP ME!!" Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs. "Training level deactivated" Keith said. The robot powered down and disappeared. Y/N was panting from her near death experience. She quickly got up and pointed the sword at Allura angrily. "YOU JUST SAT THERE AND ALMOST HAD ME DIE!! Were you planning on killing me." She mumbled the last part quietly.

She threw the sword down and walked out of the training area. Everyone watched as walked out of the door with a mad expression. Allura had a pained expression as she knew Y/N was right. She went a little too far. As she was walking to the control panel in the room she spoke. "Continue with training" They watched the princess with sadness in their eyes but continued with training.

As for Y/N she walked into her room and slammed the door shut. "AHHHHHH!!!" She screamed as she punched the wall. Her hands had sparks coming from them. Tears were down her face. The only reason why she was like this because of her brother. It's been years since she's seen him. And her mother and father didn't do any better telling her that she's just as worthless as her little brother.

To know that her parents don't care about her anymore. Hurts. She was pissed. Her feeling all over the place. Her hands glowed and fire was fuming from her hands. She ran her hands through her hair and h/c hair changed to a long fiery red. She needed to find her brother and find him now.

She walked out of her room a slight fire trail following her. When she made it to the kitchen she placed her hand on everything she passed by. If they wanted to kill her they were sure going to have to try harder.
(I don't know how and why I changed from finding the brother to "wanting to kill her" I don't know just go with it)
Keith was really worried during training. He needed to see if Y/N was ok. He slowly found a way out of the training room and into the hallway. He was walking to Y/N's room when he noticed it was getting hotter by the second. "What the heck, why is it so hot in here?" He thought out loud. All of a sudden he heard a bang from the kitchen.

He quickly ran, he knew she was in there. When he made it Y/N was kneeling on the ground. He slowly made his way towards her. "Y/N are you okay?" Her head whipped around and looked at him. Keith stopped in his tracks as he looked at her. When she saw him her face softened. "Oh it's just you" she chuckled.

She slowly stood up and faced him. She smiled at him while Keith was concerned. Y/N was walking towards Keith when she grabbed her head and hunched over. Keith immediately ran over to her. "Y/N what's wrong? What's happening?" He tried to grab her when she gripped his arm. "Don't" She said in a strained voice.

"Y/N...." Keith was slowly trying to move her hair out of her face, when quickly she grabbed his wrist and said "Don't touch me" in a deep growl. She lifted her head and looked into Keith's eyes. They were glowing brighter than ever. She then let go of him and grabbed her head again. "Get out of my head!"
She groaned.

Keith saw her face twist into a pained expression. "No, I want this body for myself" She spoke but in a deeper voice. Keith was confused as to what was going on. "Take it just leave them alone" "But where's the fun in that?" It was like she was arguing with herself. Keith was looking at Y/N with pure fear and confusion.

Y/N looked up and said "Come on i just want a little taste" She started to run up to Keith when she stopped and it was she was fighting herself. She was grabbing at her shirt and head. She finally screamed "Keith do something!" Keith was scared. "What do I do!?" "I don't care but get this thing out of me!!" Keith was hesitant about what to do.

He finally ran over to her and grabbed her shoulders and made her look at him. He braced himself and kissed her. Y/N's eyes widened. Muffled screams could be heard from her, but he didn't stop. He knew it was just...whatever was inside her. After a few moments it seemed she relaxed.

He pulled away from the kiss and looked into Y/N's eyes. He smiled when he saw they were back to the beautiful e/c eyes be loved so very much. "What are you looking at?" Y/N asked. "Y-Your eyes" He spoke still mesmerized. Y/N blushed. (And if you don't blush just erase that past, I don't blush either) "W..What?" Keith finally shook out of the trance and looked down after realizing what he had said.

"Oh..umm..I was just-saying that your eyes were really pretty..." Y/N chuckled at his cute reaction. "Why are you laughing at me?" Y/N just smiled at looked into Keith's eyes. Without replying she leaned in and kissed him. This time it was Keith's time to be shocked. After a moment he finally relaxed.

It was getting heated really quickly. In a split second Y/N was sat on the table with Keith in between her legs. Without them even realizing the door opened to five very shocked faces. Keith and Y/N continued while everyone else just stood there in a daze. Y/N moaned into Keith's mouth, while Keith growled and gripped her tighter and that's when everyone snapped.

Shiro cleared his throat. Y/N and Keith's heads both turned to look at the door. They immediately pulled away and stood a good couple feet away from each other, both of them putting their heads down. "Well...I'm not eating on that table until it's clean" Pidge spoke.

The two teens blushed at her comment. Lance scoffed. They both looked up at him. " I would have done way worse than.." "Lanceee" Shiro said with a stern voice. Lance crossed his arms and his face scrunched up. Keith growled at Lance and they both glared at each other.

Y/N grabbed Keith's arm and looked up at him. He looked at her face and calmed down. "Now everyone go get cleaned up for dinner" Allura smiled at everyone and turned on her heels. Everyone else soon left, Lance was the last to leave as he gave a hurt and angered glare.

Keith took that seriously and was pissed. Y/N rubbed his back. He smiled and embraced her body.

Sorry it took a awhile to get a chapter out but I wanted to make a long chapter and that how the next one will be so it will take awhile since gets in the way but I hope you like this chapter💖

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