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It was just a normal day. I sat up in my bed my eyes trying to adjust from being sleep. My hair was a hot mess and I looked horrible. I decided to get up out of bed instead of sleep all day. I rubbed my eyes and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

I slowly walked to the bathroom. As I turned on the light I looked in the mirror. I noticed two things. My neck and wrist. My neck was a slight red but the thing that really caught my attention was the band on my wrist. I slowly examined it. Nothing seemed off about it. It was just a plain black wrist band.

I then remembered what happened yesterday and a while back. I didn't want to think back to that so I just got ready for the day. The first thing that I wanted to do today was just train. Then just chill. So I brushed my teeth and washed my face then changed.

 So I brushed my teeth and washed my face then changed

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^^After I changed I headed to the training room. It was pretty early so I was up before everyone. When I walked in it was pretty quiet. I decided to just start pretty easy. "Training sequence level 4" I said. A gladiator dropped from the ceiling and stood there for a second. That gave me time to grab my blades.

The gladiator charged at me and I charged at it. When I got close enough I went in between its leg and slashed it. We turned around to face each other. Just I was about to run towards it something came over me like a memory. It was of my family but someone was missing. My little brother.

People were taking him away. I grabbed my head and fell to the ground. I was struggling against the people's grip to get to him. I heard metal footsteps in front of me. I knew what it was but I couldn't move. I  heard it raise it sword. I was scared but the memory was still flooding my mind. I was waiting for the impact but nothing happened. I then heard someone say "End training sequence." My eyes were still closed shut. I heard them calling my name.

The memory finally ended and I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. I saw Keith kneeling in front of me with a confused concerning face. I hadn't noticed I was crying. "Are you ok?" He asked. I stood up abruptly and wiped my tears. "Y-ya I'm ok" I put a small fake smile. He slowly stood up and looked down on me kinda.

He tried to put his hand on my shoulder but I turned and walked away. "U-um I gotta go see you later" I said as I walked out the door. Once the door closed I ran. Really fast. All the way to my room. But on the way I ran into someone. I fell on the ground and groaned. "Oh I'm sorry Y/N" I looked up and it was Shiro. He held his hand out for me.

I looked at his hand. I was slowly moving my hand towards his but stopped midway. A memory hit me like a baseball. I was a little girl and I had fell. My dad held his hand out for me. I started tearing up and I pulled my hand back. I got up really quick and ran again.

I didn't look back and kept running. I was now crying my eyes out. My head was down and I wasn't looking where I was going. I then ran into someone else. This time it was Lance. 'Why do I keep running into people.' I thought. This time I did it fall on the ground. He grabbed my shoulders before I fell. "Woah I didn't know you-....." He stopped mid sentence.

"Hey are you ok?" He asked kinda gripping my shoulders a little tighter. I looked up at him with
teary eyes. I had another memory this time of my mom. She was holding my shoulders telling me something that I couldn't understand. I started shaking. He hugged me really tightly. It was all to much it remained me of the time when was I was held back from my little brother.

I started struggling under his grasp. I pushed him away from me. I ran all the way to my room. I closed the door behind me. My back was against the door and slide all the way down. I started crying really really hard. My knees were pulled up to my chest and my face was in my knees.

I think you could hear me cry from outside. After a while alarms started blaring. "Paladins to the control room." Allura's voice echoed. I didn't want to go but I guess I had to. So I got out of my sweaty tear stained clothes.

 ^^After I got dressed I put on my plain white vans

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^^After I got dressed I put on my plain white vans. Before I left I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were really red. I wiped the stray tears and left. I walked to control room and stopped before I walked in the door.

I don't know why I stopped I just did. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I slowly walked in. Everyone turned towards me. Shiro Lance and Keith were looking at me intently. Watching my every move like I was a hurt baby. I mean I kinda was.

I walked over to where Pidge was sitting and sat next to her. I just kept looking at the ground. I didn't dare look up at the three boys. " okay now let's talk about why-!" Allura couldn't even finish because we were hit by something. The ship shook, we got off balance and me and Pidge fell on the ground.

I groaned and looked up. Everyone was startled. "We're gonna die!" Hunk screamed. "We're not gonna die." Shiro said calmly. That soon was shot down when we were hit again but this time the ship started tilting. Everyone was trying to grab onto something. The ship was almost all the way flipped over.

I had somehow managed to get to the control panel and grabbed on. Everyone else was holding onto something too. Soon enough the ship was upside down. Everyone started dropping down. I was th last to fall. "Oh no" Allura said while pacing around. "Hey we're gonna be ok" Shiro put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

I wasn't paying attention so I decided I needed to calm myself down. No one was paying attention to me anyway so I made my way to my room. On the way I heard a noise. It was coming from the training room. I slowly made my way up there. It was so quiet the only thing you heard was my footsteps.

I stopped right in front of the door. It slowly slide open. I stepped in, I thought it was clear until someone put their hand over my mouth. Their other hand was around my arms. I quickly grabbed the arm around my mouth and used my powers.
I got out of the persons grip and turned to face them. I looked at them and couldn't believe my eyes. It was..........

Who was it? Oooh cliffhanger sorry but find out in the next chapter bye loves❤️

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