Its Time

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"It's been a couple of weeks (earth time) since the crew last saw Y/N. It has not been great for them, each of them in their own way. As the day went into just a lazy one, an alarm went off . They ran to the control room to see no one. " What the heck " Lance said out loud. " Where is everyone? " They looked around the whole castle to find nothing. After huddling together and telling each other if they found anything , one of the lions roared. They ran to the hanger to see all of the lions powered up , each of them going to their own, once inside everything was fine until Hunk screamed. " Guys ! You might want to come see this ! " each paladin ran to the yellow lion to see Hunk standing in front of something or someone . Everyone peeked around him to find a teen boy with a small child in his arms .

The boy looked like he was beat up , covered in dirt . The baby was wrapped in a ragged flithy blanket . Everyone stared at the both of them perplexed at what was in front of them . The little baby was softly weeping in the boys arms . All of a sudden the boy looked up at them with sad and weary eyes . " Are you the paladins? " As someone was about to answer they heard a voice calling out for them . Allura then walked into the yellow lion . " There you guys are , I was looking everywhere for you ." She looked into the paladins faces with a confused expression .

" What's going on ? " They parted to show the two children . "Oh my ! " She then walked up to them and asked " What are your names? " The boy looked up at the princess and sighed. "Answer my question. Then I'll tell you our names." Allura looked back at the paladins "Go ahead, answer his question." Shiro walked up, crouched down in front of the boy and smiled. "Yes we are the paladins" "Alright my name is Noah and she is....." He looked down at the baby and smiled. "I want to wait for the special opportunity to name her when I find my sister." The baby girl giggled as she looked up at Noah. "Whos your sister?" Pidge asked from behind Shiro.

Noah looked into every single one of the paladins eyes. "Y/N" Their eyes widened. "She had a brother?!" Coran gasped. Everyone was all speaking at once, until the baby started crying. They stopped and looked over at Noah. He started soothing the baby but she wouldn't stop. "What's wrong with her?" "I don't know she just won't stop." The alarms rang and she cried even louder. "Keith take Noah to your room, the rest of you to your lions" Keith quickly ran to Noah and helped him up. As they were walking out of the hanger Shiro yelled to him, "Meet up with us later when he's safe." Keith nodded and continued to his room.

Once they made it he showed him to his bed. "Stay here" he said as he ran off. Noah sat down while looking around his room. He softly put his sister down on the bed and started walking around. He was skimming through all of his things when he landed upon a box. He opened the box and gasped. He recognized that ring. It was his sister's, 'so she was here' he thought. He put the ring down, walked over to his little sister to check on her then left the room. As he walked out of the room he saw the paladins walk back in. He stood in front of them with his arms crossed.

The paladins looked up at him confused. "Hey Noah what's up?" asked Shiro. "Where's my sister?" he said sternly. They all gulped. When no one answered he got mad? "WHERE IS SHE?!" They looked at him shocked. Lance stepped up a little, "Look Noah, we-" "Don't lie to me, I saw the ring." Keith looked at him as Noah gave him a death glare. "Now tell me where she is" The paladins all looked at each other. "We don't know where she is, she left a while ago." Hunk said. "Then what about the ring?" "It found it in my room, I didn't take it she placed it there." Keith looked down. Before Noah could speak the baby started crying. He gasped and ran, as did the paladins. Once they got there they were shocked to see galra. "HEY! GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!" The galra slowly put the baby down and backed away. Everyone was shocked. "We're sorry, we were sent here by our leader, we didn't want to do this. " Everyone was confused "Who is your leader?" The three galra all looked at each other "We were told not to speak of her" Noah grew angry and quickly grabbed his sister.

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