Its happening

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Keith POV
While that was happening I heard something click next to me. I turned my head towards Pidge and saw her free. "How did you..." She cut me off. "No time to talk we have to get out of here." I nodded. She started to slowly get my cuffs off, when we heard a noise.

Everyone stopped and looked up. The prince stood up with his head down, then looked up at the king and queen then over at Y/N. Something caught my eye, his eyes turned a different color. He slowly started walking towards Y/N. Anger welled up inside me.

"Hey!" I yelled. Everyone turned towards me. "Don't get any closer to her" I said through gritted teeth. The prince slowly turned towards me and smiled. "Oh?" He said with a fake surprised expression. "And why not?" He asked while walking towards Y/N. My hands bawled into fists.

Pidge grabbed my arm to calm me down, which did not work. He stood in front of her with a sadistic smirk. I glared at him about to stand up when Shiro whispered, "Hey, don't do it! We need to make a plan first" He raised his hands up a little so only we could see. We all turned back to what the prince was doing.

When we looked up Y/N was waking up. Her eyes slowly opened and looked up, then they went dark. She stared at the prince with so much anger. He just smiled at her. He leaned down to her face and said "Good morning darling, how did you sleep?" That made me jump up. Everyone looked over at me and stared.

The bratty prince laughed. I was confused, everyone was. Then he turned back to Y/N. He put his hands on her legs. She squirmed and yelled "Quita tus manos de mí te arrastras!" Prince brat face looked confused. Lance chuckled. The prince looked over and glared at him. He smiled, looked at Y/N and grabbed her by the throat.

I got my sword out while Pidge stood up with me. He wagged his finger at us while his eyes turned darker than his blue ones. Then all of a sudden Y/N was struggling even more. There was a gold shimmer running up his arm while he was smiling like a maniac. We ran over to them while the others got out of the chains.

Y/N's eyes were going to the back of her head. When she did that he let her go. Then all hell broke loose. Everyone jumped up from the table ready to fight. Guards surrounded the table. "Guards attack them!" The prince yelled at them. They slowly inched their way towards us. The royal family were leaving the castle.

"No they're getting away!" Pidge screamed. We all turned our heads towards the door. Before they walked out the queen turned around and said, "kill them all" then disappeared. The guards charged at us. We were all distracted that we all stopped when we heard a scream.

I'm sorry that this is late and short i've been super busy and and school starts next month but before then i have band camp and i really don't want to go so i'm mostly busy but i'm trying to post chapters as much as i can again sorry anyway bye for now

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