Battered down and beaten

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I'm back and I am trying to update as much as I can it's just my friends are planning stuff,homework,band.Its all to much.Also thank you so much for your love and support!

My hands and face were red. My hair had turned as red as Keith's lion. Everyone was shocked. I didn't know what to do. "Umm...Y/N are you ok?" Pidge asked me.I tried standing up. I got off the ground but wobbled all over the place.

Lance and Hunk grabbed both of my arms to keep me steady. I groaned as my head was pounding. Keith flew red back to the castle.

A Few Minuets later
We finally made it back to the castle. I don't think I could last one more second in that lion. I was still stumbling trying to get out of the lion. As I was slowly walking I couldn't hold my balance and fell straight on my face. I groaned really loud, I'm guessing because Shiro, Allura, and Coran came running in.

Soon everyone was running to me. "Y/N are you ok?!" Shiro asked me concerned as he helped me get to my feet. I was really dizzy. I started to slowly fall towards the ground. Everyone dashed towards me, but Keith got to me before anyone else. I dropped into his arms and passed out.

Keith's POV
We finally got Y/N from that galra ship. I hate them so much. They hurt her so bad. She was so weak that she passed out. Everyone tried to catch her, but I was to fast for them. Her sleeping face was so peaceful.

"Let's get her to the pods so she can heal." Shiro spoke up. She was still losing a lot of blood. We finally got her to the pods. We got her in and Allura and Coran checked her vitals. "Oh no" Allura & Coran said in unison. "What?" We all said. "She's infected with some type of serum that we can't make out" Coran explained. "What do you mean she's infected?!" Lance almost screamed it. I thought I would be the one to yell. Then everyone started to get into an argument. (I'm to lazy to write dialogue) I was starting to get annoyed when the alarm went off. Allura had been fed up with our bickering. "Paladins stop all of this yelling, we are under attack"

We headed out to fight the galra. "Give us back the weapon!"They yelled.We yelled right back. "She's not yours to take. Then they started shooting at us. This went in until we started losing the power to fight.

What are we going to do?

Hi guys I'm sorry for the delay and for the chapter being short. All this school work. Plus I'm writing my stories down then typing them sooooo. Thanks for reading and I will try to get the next chapter up soon. Alright bye loves ❤️

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