What has it come to?

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(Shiro POV)
I got to the black lion and set Y/N on my lap while her back was against my chest and she was sitting on one of my legs. We started heading to the castle when she started slowly moving around and groaning. I wasn't paying much attention to it until I felt her leg move to the other side of my body.

My eyes went wide as I saw her. "Uhh... Y/N?" I have a questioning look. All she did was smile at me. She slowly made her way to my ear and whispered....
"Say bye bye to HER" Then she dug her fangs in my neck. I winced at the pain as I grabbed her to stop what she was doing.

My eyes slowly shut as her figure disappeared.

(Third POV)
Y/N made her way off Shiro's lap and went to the control panel. She flew the black lion as fast as she could to the castle. She made it to the hangar a little before everyone else. Once she landed she ran for the  other ships.

Just then the others  arrived. They quickly ran to the black lion hangar but stopped halfway to see trail of blood going from the hangar to the spare ships. "Split up" Keith told the others.

Allura, Coran, and Hunk went to the black lion while Keith, Lance and Pidge went to find Y/N. Allura was the first to run into the hangar. They ran into the black lion to find Shiro slouched in the pilots chair. Meanwhile Keith, Lance, and Pidge run to the other hangar. Once they arrived they spotted Y/N starting up the ship.

"Y/N!" Keith yelled for her. She turned her head and looked at the three paladins, a emotionless expression bestowed on her face. She turned away and started to liftoff. "No!" They all yelled as they ran after her. It was to late, she was gone. As they watched her go, Hunk ran in. "Guys! Shiro is waking up."

They all ran to Shiro's room to see Allura and Coran sitting next to Shiro. Everyone looked up as the four teens walked in. Keith was the first to notice Shiro's neck. Before he could ask Lance spoke. "What happened back there Shiro?" Shiro sighed. "Long story short this happened" he pointed to his neck. "She did that and that's all I remember" "Well we're glad that your okay" Keith said.

Everyone smiled but it all faded when the alarms blared. Everyone looked at each other and ran. Once in the control room. Everything seemed fine. "Pidge? Anything?" Allura asked. "No nothing except someone wants to......video call us?" She gave a confused look over at the princess. She nodded as all of them looked at the screen as Pidge accepted the call.

Haggar appeared on the screen and they all did a look of anger. "Haggar what do you want?" Allura was furious. "Oh princess I wouldn't get to angry if I were you" She had a smirk plastered on her face as she moved to the side. What they saw was nothing like they imagined. Y/N chained to a wall struggling but she looked different.

She had small spots of purple anywhere and everywhere on her skin. Her hair was a flaming red/orange, it was down to her knees and super curly. As she looked up towards the screen, her eyes were a highlighter yellow. Everyone was so happy to see that she was alive. Her mood brightened up when she saw her friends. "Guys!" She screamed happily but also in a scared way.

A galra soldier came up next to her and slapped her across her face. "Quiet!" The paladins were fuming with anger. She looked back over at the guard and flared her teeth which had little fangs and growled at him. Haggar laughed. "She is becoming her true self, what we need to destroy Voltron!" The witch cackled as the paladins were ready to fight to save Y/N. "You hurt her and you will regret it" Keith spoke through gritted teeth.

Haggar slowly walked next to Y/N. She was looking at her with such amusement. Y/N wanted to tear her to shreds. Then a pain was shot through her arm. She screamed so loud that it hurt the paladins ears. "Now little girl tell us, everything we need to know about Voltron." Y/N looked up at her dear friends and smiled. She turned and looked at the witch. "Never" She smiled so wide that it disgusted Haggar.

Then a pain was shot through her stomach. She bit her lip to not scream and caused blood to drip down. "TELL US!" She screamed in her face. Y/N smirked and leaned closer. The paladins grew scared. "Over my dead body" Y/N whispered. Haggar was over it. She pointed to a guard and it came up to her with a knife.

Fear was in everyone's eyes. "Do whatever you want" she said as she left the room. "Don't touch her!" Keith was going crazy. The guard ignored him and continued to get closer to the girl in fear. He cut her up so much and her screams could be heard a mile away. The paladins and the princess covered their ears and tightly shut their eyes as they could not watch, or listen. They felt bad that they couldn't do anything to help.

After awhile the guard stopped. Everyone looked up and saw Y/N shaking with blood dripping down her body, her clothes soaked in it. The guard walked off screen for a couple minutes and they took this as a right time to try and speak to Y/N. "Y/N?" Hunk was very scared that he talked in a low soft voice. Y/N lifted her head and smiled at them.

But they just couldn't smile back seeing her in a hurt state. Soon enough the guard came back into view but with a syringe. It was filled with a purple liquid. Y/N's eyes widened. The guard walked up to her and neared her neck with the syringe, she was shaking, but before he could do that someone burst through the door. "Don't get that thing close to her" It was her father. "DAD, MOM!" She screamed. Her parents smiled at her as the guard just smiled.

He pulled a blaster out and shot her mom. "NOOO!!" Y/N struggled on her restraints as tears ran down her face. Her dad kneeled next to her mom. The guard turned to her dad, with his finger on the trigger. Before he shot, her dad said "Find your brother and whatever you do don't give in remember everything your friends have done for you, we love you " and the shot was fired. "DAD!!!" Tears we're streaming down her face. The paladins were devastated. Y/N looked up at the guard with anger burning in her eyes.

Her hands were fire red, ready to fire. The guard quickly stuck the needle into her neck as she winced. "NOO!" Everyone screamed. Just then Haggar walked in. She pointed to Y/N and the guard removed her restraints. She fell to the ground. Haggar stood next to her. Y/N slowly got up off the ground and stared at the screen with a blank look.

"Now little girl who is the enemy?"


"And who is your ally?"

"The galra"

"Who will you destroy?"
A smirk appeared on her face as she points to the screen. The paladins were frozen with shock.


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