Protector and Happy as can be

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We were losing this fight. I don't know how but we were. The castle was under attack. Everyone was freaking out. "Guys calm down keep your head together!" Shiro yelled.

Lance, Pidge, and Hunk were frustrated. Pidge was not having any of it. "What do you mean calm down,we are being shot at non stop!" Hunk was holding back puke. "Pidge is right we should back down." Then he puked. Lance was next to speak. "We can't back down we have to defeat them."

Everyone was getting really mad. I was irritated and I was done with all of them. "Shut up, you guys are so annoying. It doesn't matter what any of us think,we are here to save the universe not go against each other." It went dead silent.

Shiro spoke "Keith is right, form voltron!" Before they could, there was an explosion. Paladins the healing bag has been hit!" "Y/N!" Everyone yelled. When that happened the galra backed off.

"Keith Lance go find Y/N! Now!" We went to find her without fighting. We got to the bay and stopped in our tracks. "Oh no" We both said.

I woke up with a huge headache. I couldn't see a thing it was so cloudy. It was getting hard to breathe. I tried to move but it resulted in a pain all in my leg. I looked around and saw rubble everywhere. I tried to move again but I realized I was trapped. I tried burning anything around me but all it did was make more rubble fall on me. I screamed. It was crushing my leg. "Y/N where are you?" I heard someone calling my name. "Help please!" I screamed back.

I saw two people run over to me. "Y/N are you ok?" It was Lance. " If you call getting your leg crushed ok then ya I'm ok." I said sarcastically. "Ok let's get this off here leg" Keith said. They both worked together (Shockingly) to lift the rubble off my leg. I felt weight being lifted off my leg. It was kinda painful.

Then all of a sudden they were being shot at. They dropped the rubble on my leg to cover themselves. I screamed really loudly. "Sorry!" They both yelled. Lance was shooting at the galra while Keith came and helped me. The place was falling apart and if they didn't get out of here they would die. Keith was still struggling trying to get me out.

"Keith you have to get out of here" I told him. He was still trying. "I'm not leaving until you are safe!" He said with his teeth clenched. Lance was running over to us. "Lance help me get her out!" Keith was freaking out. They both started lifting. They were going nowhere. "Guys leave you can't get me out!" I screamed at them. "Noo!" They screamed back. The place was coming down by the second. "Go!! You guys are going to get hurt!" I screamed at them. They didn't respond to me but kept trying to get it off me. I saw the black lion fly by.

"Shiro get them out of here now!"  "Are you ok? What's happening?" He said in a panic. "I'm fine just get them out!" I told him. Shiro can come and got Keith and Lance in the lion. "Y/N!!!" They screamed as they flew away. I was just glad that they got out. Then all of a sudden the wall collapsed on top of me.

Third POV
Shiro went to the front of the castle and stopped there. They all got out and ran inside. Allura and Coran were waiting for them. Everyone ran to the healing bay. They got there and stopped. They couldn't move. Keith was the first to walk in. "Y/N! Where are you!" He yelled for her. He saw a flash of light.

He went over to it and started to dig through it. Everyone else went over to him. Lance started to help. So did Hunk and Pidge.They finally got to Y/N. There was this fire type of forcefield around her. Once they tried to touch it it burned them. "How do we get her out?" Hunk asked.

"Maybe we have to get all the rubble of her." Pidge said.  So they got all the debris off of her. The forcefield then went away. Keith picked her up. u"Where do we take her?" He asked Allura. "Let's take her to the control center so Coran her look at her." He nodded and started walking. Everyone followed. They got there and Coran started to check her out. wWhat they saw was unbelievable.

<<Time Skip>>
I woke up and I felt cold air on me. I sat up and I was on a table in the control room. No one was in there. I looked around and it was pretty quiet. Then I heard mumbling outside the door. It was very faint so I couldn't hear anything. Then the door opened. Coran and Allura walked in. "Hi guys." I said happily. "Y/N you're ok!" They ran over to me. "Yup Nothing can stop me." I chuckled. "Well we should tell everyone else and tell you the news." I nodded.

They called everyone to the control center. Keith was the first to walk in. "Y/N!" He yelled as he ran to me. "Keith!" I yelled back moking him. "I'm so glad you're ok!" He said happily. "Me too" I smiled. Then everyone walked in. They all ran up and gave me a hug. "I should make cookies to celebrate." Hunk then left to make the cookies. "How are you feeling?" Shiro asked me. "Pretty good" I said as happy as can be. "Should we tell her." Pidge asked Allura. "Yes think so" I gave them a confused look. "Well when we were checking you out we found something" I nodded for her to continue.

"Well it seems that you have some new abilities." She finished. " Really awesome!" I screamed with joy. Then Hunk came in with the cookies. I happily to one. I munched on it. "Mhmm this is really good Hunk it that power sugar on top?" I asked him while eating. "Wait Hunk where did you find that?" Pidge asked with a look of confusion and terror. "Umm the table why?" He said. "That's my de-aging powder!" She screamed. Then there was a puff of smoke around me. Then I blacked out.

I'm soooooo sorry that I kept you waiting. I will be starting the next chapter tomorrow so ya thanks for reading💕 (I also might do a alter ego story so give me feedback on that and I might do some Spanish for lance since I know it but it depends if you guys want it so ya Hasta luego🌺 (Spelled that wrong sorry)

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