Nightmares Part 1

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I looked back and standing in front of me was my dad. "D-Dad what are you doing here, you're gonna get caught!" I whisper yelled at him. "Its ok, no one's going to find me or you." He said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. He sighed. Then he put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm taking you back, we're gonna have a family again." He told me with a soft look on his face. I was shocked. I-I can't." I said with sadness in my voice.

He let out a long sigh. He then squeezed my shoulders really tightly. "Dad what are you doing?!" I almost yelled. "You just like to disobey your parents, don't you? Just like your brother!" His teeth were clenched and he had an angry look on his face. Before I could say anything he grabbed my throat and choked me. Really hard. He held me a little off the ground and that was worse because it just made me lose air faster. His claws were digging into my skin. I felt blood drip down my neck.

I looked a little way down and I saw him grabbing something. I was some kind of button. Just as he pressed it the paladins walked in. They stopped ta what they saw and got in a fighting stance. When the button was pressed there was a sharp pain in my wrist. "Hey who are you?!" Shiro said sternly. My dad just laughed. HE then dropped me. I grabbed my throat to kinda stop the bleeding.

Pidge came over to help me but she didn't want to get to close. The boys were looking at my dad like they were gonna kill him and I couldn't let that happen. Hunk was not having any of the scary stuff so he ran over to me and Pidge. The other three boys were getting ready.Shiro's arm lit up, Keith and Lance got ready to literally kill my dad. My dad was amused by this. "Oh don't worry my daughter will be her true self soon." He laughed. The three boys ran at him. "N-...!" I tried to speak but my blood choked me. They all turned to look at me.

I had fell on my side coughing and shaking violently. Pidge was holding on to me trying to help me. "My daughter, I am sorry, I love you." My dad spoke then left. "Hey!" Lance said. I was still on the ground. It felt like my insides were being taken out of my body. I was getting really sleepy. "Y/N stay with us." Shiro was trying to keep me awake. "We need you." Pidge said. Lance was tired of just watching me slowly die. "We need to get her to Allura and Coran so they can at least look at her!" He almost yelled it at the top of his lungs. Everyone looked at him startled at his outburst. Just then my eyes got really heavy and I closed them.

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