Close Encounter

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(Back to Y/N POV)
The paladins were scared for my life. Keith was furious at Cade. "Quita tus manos de mí te arrastras" I said to him after he put his hands on my legs. Lance chuckled at my comment. I turned my head and smiled. Prince Cade glared at him then laughed. He turned back to me. He stared at me for a few seconds before grabbing me by my throat. I was startled so I just stared at him.

Then his eyes went dark, that's when I felt it, the essence from my body was being taken away. I was losing all my energy. My body was about to give up when he let me go. I gasped and coughed, I was so weak that I could barely lift my head. I heard the paladins all scream, everything was muffled so I could barely hear anything.

I looked out of the corner of my eye to the paladins fighting and the royal family leaving. I was weakly struggling to get out of my restraints. There was so much going on no one noticed a guard coming up behind me. I was to weak to even look up at the paladins. I sighed in victory as I got my restraints off.

Then it was all to late when I felt a sword go through my back. I screamed so loud that everything seemed it was going on slow motion. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I fell from the chair. The pain was to much to bear. The guard raised his sword, I braced myself for impact but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see....

Well that's the end

Just kidding let's continue

I slowly opened my eyes to see Lance. He quickly ran over to me and crouched down. "Y/N!, Y/N! It's going to be okay" I slightly looked up at him and I was shocked. He was crying. It hurt me to see him like that. All I wanted to do was hug him. A guard was sneaking up and he just covered me to protect me. Then I heard something came in contact with something else. It was Keith blocking him. "Go!" He yelled at Lance. Lance quickly picked me up and ran out to the ship.

Tears were coming down my face really hard. Lance stopped and looked down at me. "Hey..." He slowly kneeled down and propped me up against him. He wiped my tears away. "We're going to get you out of this I promise" I looked up into his ocean blue eyes as he looked into mine. He cupped my cheek as he started to lean in closer.

Our lips were inches away from each other when a pain went through my stomach. I screamed as I clenched my stomach. I fell to the ground as I screamed louder. Lance tried to grab from hurting myself anymore but as he touched me he pulled back immediately. He winced because my skin was burning.

Everyone heard my screaming and ran out. "Hey! What's going on?!" "I-I don't know she just started screaming" I could hear people talking just couldn't tell who it was. The pain was becoming unbearable. Shiro came up to me. I was thrashing around when he grabbed me by my shoulders and made me stop by facing him.

He gasped when he saw me.
(Keith's POV)
She was hurt and hurt bad. As I was fighting I could see the blood that was pouring out of her wound. I was terrified if she was okay. We have just finished fighting and we were taking a breather when we heard someone screaming. We ran outside to see Y/N on the ground rolling around.

"What's wrong with her?!" I screamed at Lance. "I-I don't know she just started screaming" He said. Everyone was in panic mode. Shiro ran over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. He pulled her closer and looked at her face. He gasped and all I could do was stare. Her eyes were bright yellow and she had small fangs poking from her lip.

After a couple of seconds her head fell back as she passed out. It was quiet for at least two minutes. The. Pidge broke the silence. "What the hell just happened" We all looked over at her, then over at Shiro. He slowly picked Y/N up and fully stood up. "We need to get her to a pod before she bleeds out"

He turned towards us and we all nodded and ran towards our lions.

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