Nightmares Part 2

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Third POV
Pidge was the first to notice that Y/N had stopped moving. "Y/N! Y/N!" Pidge was yelling. Everyone looked at Y/N. Pidge was shaking her. Keith was the first to react out of the boys. He started shaking and crying really hard.

Just like Pidge. It was then Lance, Hunk, then Shiro. Shiro was trying to hold it in for the team, but he couldn't hold it in anymore. Everyone was crying their eyes out. Soon they had to stop because Allura called them to the lounge. They all looked at each other then at Y/N.

They all nodded to each other. Shiro picked up Y/N and found their way to the lounge. They walked in, Allura and Coran saw Y/N in Shiro's arms and that everyone had been crying. "W-What happened?!" Allura was lost for words. "Someone, somehow made their way on the ship and attacked her" Shiro said trying to stay calm.

Allura and Coran were heartbroken. "Well we have to flip the ship but to do that you guys have to leave the ship." Coran told them. Everyone nodded and headed out of the castle, onto the planet they just landed on. After awhile the ship was flipped back over. Before they went inside something happened. Y/N's cheek was slight hint of purple. Hunk was the first to see. "Guys, look at Y/N's cheek."

Everyone looked at her cheek and stared. Then they heard a roar. They all turned away from the castle and looked back to see the red lion land right in front of them. "Red what are you doing?!" Keith yelled. Red growled at him. Keith looked over at Y/N and back at Red. "Put her down" He said with a blank expression.

"What?!" Shiro asked confused. "Just do it" Keith said. Shiro looked at everyone else. They looked back at him. Finally Shiro walked up to Red and set Y/N in front of Red. "Now back up really far" Keith said running away to the castle entrance. "Huh?" Pidge, Lance, Shiro, and Hunk said. Then Red opened her mouth and they got the hint and ran. They just made it up when Allura and Coran walked out.

"What the quiznack is going on!" Allura was shocked. Just then Red fired. There was a big explosion. Everyone covered themselves. After the smoke cleared everyone looked up to see an orange glow come from in front of Red, everyone ran over to her.

Sitting down on the ground holding her head was Y/N . "Y/N!" Pidge ran up to her and hugged her. Y/N was shocked. Keith had tears in his eyes. Everyone else ran up to her. Never in Keith's life has he missed her so much. They all hugged. Keith couldn't show it anymore. He wiped his tears away and walked up to the group. "Umm guys What happened?" Y/N was really confused.

"We'll explain when your all rested" Allura told her. They all got up and walked inside. They all went their separate ways to relax a little now that Y/N was ok. Well that's what they thought. Y/N walked in her room and sat on her bed. She looked at her hands and noticed her hands. They were a slight red but there was a hint of purple in them.

She got up and went to the bathroom. What she saw was so scary to her she screamed. The whole planet probably heard her. To many things were happening to her at once that she was panicking, and when she panics things are on fire. She looked in the mirror and her hair was fire red, her hands were fuming fire and she had splotches of purple all over her skin.

She was crying hard. All of a sudden there was a loud knock on her door. She looked back at the door then at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were a slight yellow but her irises were a red and orange color. She started panicking even more and things started to catch on fire.

"Y/N! Open up!" Someone yelled. She just couldn't tell who it was. "Go away!" She yelled back. Keith and Lance were the ones who were knocking on the door. The two boys were very worried about her. As Keith was about to knock again he felt heat from the door. He pulled his hand back really fast. Lance looked at Keith with a puzzled look.

"What's wrong?" Keith had a look of fear and determination. "She's in trouble, we have to get in there now" Lance was still confused. "Stay here" Keith told Lance while he ran off. After awhile Keith came back with Pidge. After she got the door unlocked they sat there waiting. Keith slowly opened the door.

He pushed it open and froze. The three of them stood in shock. Everything was burned to ashes some things still on fire. They slowly walked inside her room. Stepping in ashes as they went. They looked up and saw light coming from the bathroom. Once they stepped in front of the bathroom door there was a stream of fire in their faces.

They stood frozen. Lance looked over the fire to see Y/N. She was looking right at them. Lance slowly softened his body. He grabbed Keith's shoulders and brought him over to look at Y/N. Once Keith moved Y/N dropped her hand. The teens looked at her puzzled. They saw her firey hair, flaming hands, and her weird colored eyes.

"Y-Y/N?" Pidge asked her kinda scared. Y/N looked up at them creepily. She slowly started to walk up to them. Keith pushed Pidge behind him. She got up to Keith and got in his face. She said "I'm sorry not everyone can be as bad as her" Keith looked back at her with a confused look. "Huh?" She chuckled at the boy. "I'll be back for you, all of you" Y/N's features went back to normal as her body went limp and she fell towards Keith. He caught her in his arms.

"What the heck just happened?!" Lance was freaking out. "I-I don't know but what do we do?" Pidge asked. Keith was about to something but Shiro stopped him. "What happened here?" They all turned around towards him. "U-uh" Lance and Pidge said. "Something bad happened with her and yeah this happened" Keith explained while he stood up with her in his arms.

"Well we can't put her in the pods" Lance said. They all started thinking when Keith had an idea. "I can keep her in my room until Allura and Coran can get her a new room" Shiro started thinking about it. "No No No No No! That's not gonna happen" Lance said throwing his hands in the air. "I mean it's a likely idea" Shiro said. Lance was lost for words. "Well it's settled then, she'll be staying in Keith's room until she gets a new one, and I'll talk to Allura about it"

Shiro said with a small smile. Lance crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. They all slowly walked out of the burned room into the hallway. Keith turned away from everyone and walked to his room. When he got to his room he laid Y/N down on his bed. He looked softly to her and smiled. Then he thought, "Where am I going to sleep?"

He shrugged, got a pillow and blanket then walked to the lounge. As he walked to the lounge it was kinda dark. He walked to the couch and sat down. It was so nice just to be in the dark in peace. He put down his pillow and got under the blanket and fell asleep.

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