Nightmares Part 3 (End)

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Y/N POV(In her dream)
I was walking around looking for my brother. He was just taken from me. My brother was younger than me, so I had to save him. My parents told me there was no way I would be able to save him. I didn't listen and went after him.

He was the only one I loved in my family. I mean I had my parents but he meant more than anything to me. As I was running I heard something rustle behind me. I turned to look behind me , but as I was facing away from the direction I was going someone came up to me and put a hand over my mouth and one holding my neck chocking me.

I was gasping for air, clawing at the person. Then they whispered in my ear, "Come find your brother he'll be waiting for you" They kept chocking me. I tried to pry their hands off. Then someone came up in front of me with my brother gripping his arm. He saw me and screamed.

He was trying to get to me but they held him back. I was crying while reaching out to him. My eyes were slowly closing and my brother was going out of view. The last thing I heard before blacking our was my brother saying "Find me please!"

I jolted up in my bed. I was in a cold  sweat. Tears were trickling down my face. I looked around frantically. I was not in my room. I was breathing heavily. I was scared out of my mind. I looked up to see a jacket. It was Keith's. Suddenly he burst through the door.

"Are you ok?!, What's wrong?!, What happened?!" He was freaking out. I couldn't do anything but cry. He didn't know what to do. He walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I cried into his shirt for what seemed like hours. I finally stopped crying and pulled away a little.

We looked into each other's eyes for a second until our lips met. My hands still holding onto his shirt. His hands were holding my face in place. He slowly made me stand up, then grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. We never broke apart. I never moved my hands from his chest.

His lips were so soft, he was being so gentle. He started moving to a wall when he stopped. He slowly pulled away and looked at me. I stood there dumbfounded. "You need some sleep, you've had a long day" He said with a small smile. I had no idea what he was talking about.

I couldn't even ask him because he picked me up and took me to his bed. He laid me down and was about to leave when I grabbed his arm. He turned and looked at me. I looked at him with a smirk and pulled him in the bed. I hugged myself into his back, closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Third POV
Keith smiled to himself as he drifted to sleep.

Hi guys sorry this one was short but the next one is going to be so good! I think...... Anyway my new story will be going up soon so stay tuned for that. I want to thank everyone who has supported and liked my story I really appreciate it so much. It makes my day when you guys comment or vote on chapters. Again thank you so much and I will see all of you later. Bye❤️

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