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Hey guys this song inspired me for this chapter but Summers all most over for me It will be at different times when I post when school starts but that's all so bye

(Today is an off day so your just going to go to the mall with everyone or will you?)Y/N POVAfter I get my clothes on I am ready to head to the mall everyone should be ready by now so I head out

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(Today is an off day so your just going to go to the mall with everyone or will you?)
After I get my clothes on I am ready to head to the mall everyone should be ready by now so I head out.Just as I do I see lance walk out.He looks at me and stares.I roll my eyes and walk up to him.

"You ok,lance?"I  asked knowing what was wrong."Your gorgeous!"He said it so loudly that the whole planet probably heard."Th-Thank you,lance" I blushed.'Why did I do that again now he's going to think I like him'

My thoughts were cut shot when lance grabbed my waist.I gasped at his touch.He gave me his signature smirk.He started to lean in.I didn't move.My hands heated up but not enough for him to notice.He stopped when we both saw that Shiro,Pidge,and Keith walked in the hallway.We both looked at them.Pidge smiled and Shiro was speechless.Then Keith crossed his arms and I could tell he was pissed.I quickly pushed lance away from me.

"What were you doing?"Keith asked clearly pissed.I was about to say something but lance cut me off.

"Having a moment to ourselves,what did it look like?"Keith glared at him.

They then started arguing over how I don't like either one.I was getting really angry.They were being idiots.Pidge and Shiro could tell and backed away from me.My hands were glowing red.My e/c changed to a red/orange.I finally had enough and yelled

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU"As I yelled a ring of fire formed around the three of us.Allura,Coran,and Hunk ran in to see the scene play out."BOTH OF YOU ARE ACTING LIKE CHILDREN,GROW UP!"The boys were looking at me frozen not knowing what to do."Ugh can't you stop fighting!"As I said that I blacked out.

Third Person
Everything disappeared just as it came.No one knew what to do.All they did was stare at Y/N's lifeless body.Finally after a couple of minutes Shiro walked over to her body and picked her up.He told everyone to go about their off day until she woke up.He also asked Pidge to help get her out of her burnt clothes.
2 hours later (Y/N POV)
I woke up in my bed burning up.I didn't remember anything.I decided to go ask the guys.I walked to my closet and noticed a bunch of burnt clothes.'What the heck' I thought.But I shrugged it off I would ask the boys anyway.I get out a new outfit.

I changed into my outfit then I start to walk to Shiro's room

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I changed into my outfit then I start to walk to Shiro's room. I'm almost to his room when I her footsteps coming towards me.I turn and see it's Keith.

"Hey Keith-....."Before I could say anything else he pinned me to the wall."Keith what are you doing?!"

Out of nowhere he roughly kissed me.I just started to melt into the kiss.When he came up for air he went to my ear and whispered

"Never do that again with Lance,ever"Then walked away.

I stood there in complete silence.After a while of me just leaning on the wall I walked to the dining room.I walked in and sat in a seat.Lance,Hunk,Pidge,and Shiro all looked at me.

"Hey,Y/N are you ok?" Pidge asked me while confused.

I didn't hear her cause I was drowning in my thoughts.'Does he like me?' 'Why did he kiss me?' 'Was he jealous?' I was thrown out of my thoughts when Shiro asked me a question.

"Did something happen?" I blushed bright red when I thought about what happened just a couple of minutes ago.

"She's in looovvvveeee!"Hunk stated."Probably with me"Lance thought,so he got closer to me.I rolled my eyes and pushed him away.

"With who?"Pidge asked real excited.Just then Keith walked in.

My hands on my lap started burning.He walked right up behind me and whispered

"I hope you liked that kiss"He said seductively.

No one else heard him which I was glad about.After he said that my hands burned my tights.I yelped and put my hands on the table,which was a bad idea.They burned the table.Everyone looked at me with surprised looks.Keith just had a smirk on his face.I saw and blushed brighter then ever.I felt my face burn.I quickly ran out of the castle.We were on a planet with breathable air as much as Earth so I was fine.I saw a canyon and went to stand on the edge.I heard everyone run for me.They were really close.I turned around they were just a couple of feet away from me .They were all scared.I could tell so I tried calming them down.

"Guys I'm fine I just came out to calm myself self down"They finally seemed to relax.My feet were burning.I looked down and saw that there were cracks on the ledge.Then out of nowhere I fell.

"Y/N!" Everyone called out for me as I fell.

I screamed as I kept falling.I saw the ground getting closer and closer.Then I felt the hard ground.I opened my eyes as I didn't black out.
I tried getting up but feel back down.I didn't get all the way to the bottom,which was good cause I would be dead.I finally got up and grabbed at my side and arm.They were soaked with blood.I looked over the edge I was on.

"That is a long way down"I started to back up to the wall of the canyon.As I sat down I heard a roar and shooting.'Oh not' I thought.Then someone swooped up and grabbed me.It was the figure from the night before.

"Hey,let my go!" I screamed."Not a chance" they scoffed back.

While they were trying to get me to their ship I saw the paladins.I quickly yelled for them as I tried the figure squeezed hard on my wound.That made me scream.Everyone kept calling my name on a type of watch thing that Allura gave so I could keep in touch.

"Y/N where are you!" Everyone said in unison."Before I could get a word out the  figure took my watch thing and started talking.

"If you want her back talk to Zarkon"Then they threw it out in space."Hey,that was my only way of talking to them." "You won't need to talk to them where your going"They laughs.

We get on their ship and they throw me down.I groan in pain.I'm still slowly bleeding out.They noticed and come up to me.I try to scoot away but can't and groan.They put their head down.

"Look this is my job I don't really want to do this"Instead of being nice I'm snobby."Why should I believe you"I shoot."Because I have been looking for you for years""What why?All I was doing was being really mean until they took off their cloak.It was my MOM!

"Mom!"I practically yelled.Her smile grew."I have been looking for you since you left"She gave me a huge hug.

"Ow ow"She hugged me a little to tight.We were at the ship.Right at that point I blacked out from blood loss.

Hey guys if your reading this I'm guessing you like my book. Yay! Ok so I start school in a couple of days so I will
try to get as much done.The story will continue there will just be some gaps.So don't worry if your getting into the story which I doubt I will update.But gtg.

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