Surprise gone wrong

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A/N:  this is a VERY different story that will break your Linstead heart. This takes place where Erin has been gone to NYC undercover and has decided to surprise everyone.
This story is also all in Erin's POV

I had just arrived in chicago. Ahh chicago. I was glad to be back. I couldn't wait to see everyone's faces. Especially Jay's. Hank is the only one that knows I'm back. From what I know he's excited. When I told him He said "well of course I'm excited! Have you seen the faces I have to look at Every day?". I look around and see hank waiting for me.
"Hey kiddo!" He said as he gave me a huge hug.
I just laughed. He drove me to.his place and said I could leave my bags here and he'd drop me off at Mollys. Once we got there I thanked him and I couldnt wait. As I walked into the bar I looked over and saw. QGroup of people. All the guys. But there was someone I didn't recognize.It was a girl. She had been sitting awfully close to jay.  I started walking over but I stopped to grab a drink first. Midori. I started heading over to see him and the Girl start kissing. Anger flushed through me and I walked over and slapped him in the face. I then poured my drink on him
"good luck getting that out. That shit stains." I then ran out in tears. He tried calling me but I ignored him. I went to stay with Hank.
"Do you want me to partener you with antonio?"
You can tell he was worried.
"No it's fine. I don't want him to think that he can bring me down and I want him to know I'm stronger than that."
We went on the next few months like that with him trying to say it wasn't what it looked like and that he missed me. Once a cheater. Always a cheater.

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