Amona (2)

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"I'm getting better"  Erin said almost 3 months ago. Three months later and were still in this hospital. Every time shed start getting better she got worse. We were seeing a Dr. Ripol. I think that's his name. "Go to work." Erin wispers. That's really all she can do is wisper. I decided id go to work. They had mine and Hanks number as emergency contacts. We got called in. It was into med though. A doctor had supposing been miss-treating patients. Giving the excess amount of whatever they need. "I got a name... Doctor Dean Ripol." Instantly me and Hank looked at each other. Hank then stormed out of the room as I followed. "Hank.. I want to do this just as bad I you do." I said as he looked at me with anger on his face. "You know that as the last doctor Camille went to. And now.. he could possibly be killing Erin." He practly yelled. "Hank. Let Antonio head up." After arguing for a bit he agreed. He went out for a bit. I went to Erin's room. "Hey" she said smiling in her raspy voice. She could just wisper." Hey" I said. I went over what was going on. She was in shock. We ended up arresting the guy. It was time for court. Erin had to testify..One of the hardest things to watch as she let some Tears slip a couple times. We were anxious about what the jury was going to say. The amona had gotten so bad Erin could barely walk. He grasped my hand as they read out the answers. "Guilty" we heard them say. Me along with the rest of the intelligence unit were relieved. Erin had some Tears coming.down her face as I pulled her into a tight hug.
Erin's POV
A few weeks later we had still been in the hospital. "Erin's Lindsay. You're good to go." The doctor said. Hank signed the discharge papers as jay had gone to work. When we got to the district  I got a hug from plattegrond and we had a short conversation. Hank led me up and no one was there but Antonio and Jay (who were interrogating a suspect) I sat on the edge of Jays desk. I over heard voight tell Jay that he had to go home and that he was off for the day due to his "temper" jay was furious. As he came storming around the corner he saw me. He came over and pulled me into a tight.hug and kissed me on the forehead. "Let's go home." I said. He wrapped his arm around me as we headed out the district.

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