The worst 💔

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"you're serious! I can't believe you." Erin said yelling at me. Here we are. In the break room yelling at each other. It was more Erin yelling an me raising my voice. "Like hell." I snapped back. "I can't believe you!" She Repeated. "You can't believe me? I can't believe you! This is so childish Erin! Were fighting over nothing!" "NOTHING?" Erin snapped. "Nothing would be if you used the last of the milk. Nothing would be if you moved something on my desk. This, you lying to me and saying everything was fine is something! You can't say everything's fine when you went off without anyone knowing undercover with a hit man!"
"RETIRED!" I shouted. "Erin you don't see how stupid this argument is! 6ou know what were done!" I yelled. What did I just say. It slipped. I didn't mean it. Her face dropped as she turned around to walk away. "Erin..." I said still in disbelief what words just came out if my mouth. "No.. jay. Don't worry about throwibgout my stuff. I'll be 0ut before shift ends." She said walking down the stairs. What theHell did I just do.
Erin's POV
That just happened. Whether he ment it or not I took it seriously. At the end if shift before jay got to his house I called Hank and he told me I could  stay with him. Now it's been a few weeks. I needed a sugar boost. As I was walking to Hanks house I felt a pinch on my neck. "What the hell?" I yelled. Cops pulled up. "Put the knife down!" One of them yelled. It clicked. I knew what was going on. I tried to keep my cool.  I kept my eyes shut tight. Another car pulled up. I heard the wheels screech. "DROP IT NOW!" I recognized that voice. It was jay. "Not before I slice her ne-" There was a shot. Jay shot the guy. When I was sitting in the ambo they had called Hank. They had to check on me even though I said I was fine. "Hey." Jay started. " even though we arnt together anymore didn't mean you arnt my best friend." He said. I nodded. "Also... Hank said you're staying at my place tonight." I just agreed. He's right. Even though we arnt together we still were best friends. He drove me over to my place to grab some clothes then to his. "So, you can stay in the guest room if you want." He said. "Alright." I smiled. I took my stuff over to the guest room. There were pictures. There were some of us younger. Once I walked over to meet him In the kitchen I sat on the counter as jay handed me a beer."jay. I can't be completely honest with you right." I said. He came over so he was in front of me listening. "Of course." He said. He was listening. "Jay..." I sighed."I'm still completely in love with you." He smiled. He then leaned in and kissed me. When we broke for air we went back into a pationate kiss as I pulled his shirt off. It was a long make our with short breaths for air. We were in his bed when we both passed out. I woke up and his hands were locked in mine. "Morning." He said as he kissed me on the forehead. "Do me a favor... Move back in." He said. I smiled."of course" we fell back asleep.

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