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Erin has been struggling with 'namona for the past 3 weeks. It just keeps getting worse. I'm sitting next to her while reporting to Hank via text. Erin was watching TV. Our Thursday night show came on. Beat Shazam. We always see who can name the most songs.
"Okay the catagory is 2010's" she said with her raspy voice. "Baby." She said answering the song title. Just after it showed the answer. "Baby" I say as she smacks me in the arm. "You cheater." She said laughing. The doctors came in. "Erin Lindsay...." They started. "We need to get another X-Ray..."  Erin just nodded her head. "I'll go get some food." I said smiling. When I came back up to her room she was smiling. "What are you so happy about?" I said jokingly. "I'm getting better." She said smiling almost in tears. "Its almost gone" she said. I smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "That really good." I said in return. "Now go..." She said. "What?" I said laughing. "Go to Molly's." She said. "Erin..." I started. "In the past 3 weeks we've been here you've left the hospital maybe once to grab a bunch of clothes. Now go... You deserve it." She said smiling. "But you'll be alone " I said. "Don't worry. Hank said he'll stop by tonight." She said sincerely. "Now go.. have fun" said said. Her voice had gotten stronger in the past few days. I kissed her on the forehead and headed out. I was greated by hugs and smart ass remarks. "To Erin." Hermann said as he raised his glass. All of Molly's toasted to her. When I got back her and Hank were passed out well Erin was anyways. She was starting to get better. That's all that matters.
A/N thank you all for 1.36k reads!! I love you all!!
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