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Let's pretend there know each other since they were young.. I mean before JK young. Pretend Chicago PD was a different show but these two loved it. They've know each other forever. Voight took Erin in around 3 because bunny wasn't around ever.
Erin's POV
Tomorrows The day I would Marry the love of my life. My best friend. I haven't seen  Jay since last night as he is staying at Wills. I called ahead of time to make sure Jay wasn't going to be at the district.
"Theirs our Bride to Be!" Antonio said as Adam started singing "here comes the bride" as I walked up the stairs.
"So I was wondering.." adam started. "Are we now going to have two Halsteads? I mean Halstead and Halstead?"
"Don't worry. Legally my last name will be Erin Lindsay Halstead but I will go by Lindsay during work and stuff to make everyone's life easier." I explained.
Today was the day. I couldn't sleep last night. I'm getting married.Today.
I met Kim and Natalie in this area while Kim did my hair Nat did my makeup.  When they were done that it was time for the dress. I pit on this beautiful long sleeves Lacey dress with a mermaid flow and my Vail.(I'll put the outfitted below) I made sure it was waterproof mascara.

(I'll put the outfitted below) I made sure it was waterproof mascara

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It was time. My family from the 21st district including nat and will walked down the isle until it was just me and Hank with a bouquet in my hand. I took a deep breath and as those doors opend Butterflies flushed through me.
Jays POV
As those door flew open I saw Erin and Hank start heading down. I was stunned. She looked amazing. At the end of her vows she wrote  she added "No.matter what happens. And no matter however ling were partners. You will never drive." That definitely brought laughter to the room. My vows I wrote were nice but comedic. We said our I dos did a little kiss.
It was time for the "Father daughter dance" and Erin went with voight and they were dancing. Voight got very teary eyes and ended up Handing her off to me. The district had been working on our present for a while now ... Well at least that's what O said. It was a slideshow. The first picture was me and Erin in our first day of kindergarten. I couldn't believe it. Their was another picture where Erin dressed me up as a bride and Her hamster was the groom.As the pictures went on Erin got very teary eyed. I even saw a few tears fall down her face. There was a video from when we were 11 of Erin doing my makeup and I said.. How do you always convince me to do this. They showed our grade 8,and highschool grad pictures.We both laughed. They showed our goodbye hug from when I went to the rangers and then 7 years later they surprised her with me showing up. Then another video of me asking how she convinced me to let her do my makeup.  They showed us graduating from the academy and then more pictures. Then they showed. A video. It was of me proposing. Then they shows a collage like photo. One of JK. On of Grade 8 grad. one of highschool grad. One of graduating the academy. And then one of us as partners. Then it was over. We had cake. Erin managed to shove it in my face. When we went home we got our pajamas on. We passed out on the couch
-Erins POV
My phone rang after about an hour of sleep. I was woken up by it but jay wasn't.
I yawned as I started talking.
E: Lindsay
H: hey it's hank. Did I wake you ?
E: eh. It's fine. Wassup?
H: we caught a case.
E: okay. Just uh.. gimme 20 I need to wake jay up.
At that we hung up. After a long 10 minutes of trying to wake him up we arrived at the district. Everyone looked just as tired. This was our wedding night. One of my favourite nights. With my best friend.

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