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Jay's POV
Halstead you got this?
Almost! I said as I was trying to perfectly aim my sniper.
HALSTEAD you got the shot?
I was just about to take the shot when I realized mouse was the shooter. My teammate my best friend. But how? Just as I took the shot something weird happens. It's Erin. She was the shooter? Impossible. She's in Chicago. I shot her. I had just killed the love of my life. I couldn't run. I couldn't scream. I was pushed away.
Erin's POV
I woke up to jay moving around. I thought he was awake. He wasn't. A nightmare. All of a sudden he shot up with his eyes wide open and he was almost panting.
"Jay! You're alright. I'm here."
"Ah..Sorry Er. Did I wake you up?"
I shook my head slightly.He just had a nightmare and he's concerned about me.I didn't even answer. We just played back down and I curled up to his chest.
"You know Jay. Whatever it is. You can tell me."
"It's nothing Er I'm fine" I just sighed and rested my head back on his chest. I didn't push it considering its a very touchy topic with him.
Things were quiet today. He didn't fight over driving. He hadn't made any smartass remarks. I looked around and couldn't see jay anywhere. The first place I checked was downstairs at the vending machine because he's always hungry when he's quiet. Then I checked the break room. Coffee. He likes his coffee. He wasn't there either. Then it hit. The only possible place in this district you can go for privacy. The locker room. He wasn't there. Hank could tell I was getting anxious.
"Erin.. everything okay" he said as he gestured to go into his office.
"Hank... I can't find jay. Anywhere."
"Okay well.. get mouse to ping his phone."
After about five minutes of getting voicemail from jay mouse walked over and put a sticky note on my desk. Jay's location. Graceland Cemetery. (An actual Cemetery in Chicago)
I went off by myself. Though the name sounded familler.Then I remembered jay talking to me about this place. His Sargent from Rangers. He told me he could just talk to him. As I was walking through I saw Jays jacket. He was crying. I walked over and crouched next to him. We didn't speak. All we did was hug.
Yes I googled. Cemeteries is Chicago. Thank you all for 302 reads! THAT IS INSANE! This story was suggested by Journalist15 and please keep suggesting one shot ideas! I always love to hear feedback
ALSO My school starts september 5th (one week) so I went post as often once it starts!

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