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A/N okay okay. I know it's not really close to christmas I mean we have 3 months buuuuttt.... I had this idea and didn't want to let it go.
"Jay wake up!" I said aa I was trying desperately to get him awake. "JAYY!!" I almost yelled. He was snoring. "Dammit jay " I said. I flopped on top of him and gave him a kiss. He then wrapped his arms around me as we continued to kiss. "Now you're awake" I said laughing.
"I was awake the whole time." He said laughing as I gave him a smack on the arm. "But I wouldn't mind waking up like that everyday." He said with a smile as our lips met again.We decided to get up. His family along with Hank,Justin, Olive, and Daniel were coming over for dinner. I had hosted Dinner. Jay had hosted Dinner. But every other year it's been Hank,or Jays Mom. This was our first time together /living together hosting dinner. I got dressed In a nice  white dress jay got me and I got him A PS4 which is something he's been wanting. We only opend the gift as we were going to wait for everyone else. I had one more thing for him but he isn't getting it until later. I went into our bedroom to look for my necklace Jay had gotten me for my accedemy grad present. (Picture below)

we loved each other as Best friends

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we loved each other as Best friends. But I guess it's different now. Anyways not only was it expensive but it was special. I couldn't find it anywhere. As panic flushed through me I took a breath. It's okay. Everything will be okay. Jay was out running errands as I heard a knock at the door. The food was UNCOOKED on the counter as jay is supposed to be making dinner. I opend the door gave hugs. Then called jay
E:Jay where the hell are you?
J: I'll be home soon. Why?
E: well everyone's here and dinner isn't cooked.
J okay. Five minutes.
With that we hung up. Jay FINALLY came back with a bag. I was very confused but brushed it I was setting things down he gave me a playful  push and I smacked him in the arm.
Then later jay was wearing an apron that said "kiss the cook" so I walked over and kissed his check.
"Stop flirting and just cook." Will said laughing.

e had dinner. Then it was time for presents. We all exchanged presents. Then I gave jay a  his present. It was the leather Jacket he had wanted for the past 5 months." Id been looking presents. Where'd you hide it." He said. "At the district." I said laughing se he gave me a hug. The he handed me this rectangle box. It was a beautiful box. Then I opened it. It was my necklace.
"I thought I had lost this." I said in disbelief. "I took it a while ago to get the chain altered. That way there you can still wear it. I gave him a kiss on the cheak as I hugged him. "Thank you" I whispered. Then he put the necklace on me. Once everyone left we had gotten an invite yesterday from Kim saying that there doing this party thing at an ice rink. Me and Jay decided to walk up there. When we got there I started talking to Kim and Gabby. Jay the came up gave me a kiss and then said "Okay. Now I'm going to go show off" he said while we both were laughing. Me and the girls decided to get on the ice. Jay slowly skated up behind me and scared the shit out of me! "What the fuck jay!" I said laughing as he caught me from falling. We skated for a bit and then decided to go home. It was nice. We sat there for a bit on the couch. Then we just stared at each other. As our lips met it got more and more intense. Our lips barely left each other's as I took off his shirt and he took off mine. I climbed onto his lap and without leaving my lips he picked me up and carried me to our room. I was in my underwear and he was in his. We didn't stop. Our lips never left each other. He kissed down my neck a bit and then onto my shoulders. After a little bit of our "make out sesh" we layed there with his arms our my waist. "I love you" I said "I love you too" he said. As we both drifted off
A/N HOLY SHIT I wrote a lot! This dosnt go into all of that sexual stuff just some nice Linstead stuff! Also what do you guys want to see?! School starts tomorrow so I won't post as often! I love you guys! xx 😘 ASFF

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