Cottage Life? (1)

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I've had a lot of homework lately! Also did anyone else catch the primere 😭 I started crying when it started with the tribute to Erin. But Sophia's tweet warmed my heart. My cold. Cold. Heart AND THANK YOU FOR 2K READS!!!! 😱
READ THIS: What happened : Jay had to go into a house full of bombs and they blew up. Right before that he said That he loved Erin and said Goodbye.
A long time ago me and Erin came to this cottage. We were around 6 when we started going and we stopped at 21 when collage and stuff happened. Its about 4:30 am right now and I need to wake Erin up...I'm going to be dead before  4:31. "Erin.." I wisper hoping to wake her up. Last thing I want is a bitchy Erin which is a name Hank gave her. He warned me about that. That's why I told her to sleep earlier. "Erin." I whisperd a bit louder.  We had to be at my mom's meeting her,Hank,and will for 5:00. She groaned as I called her name a few more times. Finally I gave  up. I threw a pillow at her. "What the hell...." She said half asleep. "Erin you need to get ready." I said. She rolled her eyes and got out of bed. She popped in toast and popped it back out. "Not hungry?" I asked. "Its too early." She replied. Thank God they were just letting us to go in our pajamas. I could never force Erin to get dressed. She always says never get her up until 6:30  unless I need to.I looked over at the clock. 5:55. "Erin were going to be late!!" I said. "I'm going as fast as I can for doing this with my eyes closed." She replied mumbling. She was trying to find her purse... With her eyes shut. I don't exactly know how she planned that out but I didn't question it. As we rushed to get out the door. Hank pulled in. "We figured you guys slept in or something." Hank said laughing. It was a long drive and me and Erin both passed out. Next thing I knew we were there. We got settled. Something was bugging Erin. I didn't know what. They were up in their room while Jays mom was making dinner. "We should probably.." I started. Then I looked over and saw her crying. "Er.. what's wrong?" I said as i sat down beside her." Never say goodbye to me again... Please." She started. "When you went in that building I was already worried enough. But.. when you said goodbye... It felt like everything inside of me just dropped. My heart shatterd." She said still crying. I put a hand on her back. "Never." I said. As I Kissed her and pulled her into a hug.

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