Without her.

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Erin had just saved his life. That's all he though as she approached him sitting in the ambo. "Hey." She said in a raspy voice. She was tired. Her and the team had spent the last few days looking for me. Erin never went home,never slept. "Hey." I said as i said as i smiled at her. "I'm glad you're okay." She said as she took a seat next to me in the ambo. I could see tears start forming. "I glad it was you who saved me." I said as i kissed her on the cheak and hugged her. We had to go to med. I spent about 2 weeks there getting,Check ups,and x rays just to make sure I was okay. The never let Erin in until today. I woke up with her hand in mine. "You look good." She said. I obviously knew she ment health wise."Dont I always?" I said with a smile on my face. "I wouldn't know what to do if I losT you." She said. I pulled her in for a kiss. A doctor came in. Great.nire checkups. Or so I thought. "Okay,Jay Halstead. Your good to go. Miss Lindsay would you mind signing his discharge papers?" The doctor said. "I dunno...." She started. "I mean it's been really quiet at home." She said laughing. After I got.my stuff together (or what I had) I saw Erin talking to maggie while signing the papers. I walked up and pushed Erin just because I knew shed regret signing those papers. She gave me a smack om the arm... A warning. A few weeks have gone by. The nightmares have gone away. Me and Erin were heading out for dinner. She walked out in the amazing dress. "Damn....." I said laughing. "I believe you owe me something?" I said laughing. She got close enough where our lips were almost touching. "Oh do I ?" She whisperd and walked away. God I love her. I don't know what  I'd do without her.

Linstead💕 One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now