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So thanks to Justice22xo I have realised I've done a wedding... But not an engagement.
Jays POV
There was a knock on our door. It was my sister. Then I remembered. Me and Erin were looking after them while my sister was out of town. I gave hugs and Erin did too.
"So what do you guys want to do today?" Erin asked. They looked at each other and then said."what do you mean?"
While they were discussing what to do Erin decided to have a quick shower.
"Okay... I need your help." I started. They were Very attentive. "I need to run to the mall to pick up an engagement ring. For Erin. Without her knowing." I said. "I know what we could do." Said one of them said. "One of us will go with Erin to distract her and the other can go with you!"
"Good idea." I said smiling. "I also have to grab the rest of her birthday gift. To.orriw also just so happens to be her birthday. When I was out with one of the twins she was helping me pick a ring while the other was distracting Erin at other stores around the mall.i managed to grab something's for her birthday along with picking the perfect ring.

i managed to grab something's for her birthday along with picking the perfect ring

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My prices said goodbye once my sister came to get them. Tomorrow was a big day. One of the biggest days of their lifes.
Erin's POV
I woke up this morning to the smell of something and turnt toast. I felt excited but couldn't remember why. Then it hit. Its my birthday! I rolled over to Jays spot.. but he wasn't there. Then I remembered. Burnt toast. He's in the kitchen. I walk over to the table to see a card. Then I feel two arms.wrap around my waise and he put put head on my shoulders. "Open it" he whisperd. I just smiled and opened it. "A free spa day. "
I said smiling. I needed that.
"Well kim said shed go with you. She already has a pass." He said. "That's not all." He said. "But I'm not giving it to you yet." He whisperd in my ear the. Kissed me on the cheak. I had an amazing day at this "spa" it was more like a make over day. I loved it. New outfit,new hair,new nails, and every other thing you can think of. I hope in the eldvator and started heading up to our floor. The eldvator stopped to get someone after I just got in. Literally. I stopped in and doors almost shut when they opened again. "Jay" I said with a smile on my face. "Hey" he said as he came and put his arm around me. "I never said this to you... Happy Birthday." He said giving me a kiss. It tutne inti a ling pationate one until we heard a loud ding. We were at our floor. "Okay close your eyes." He said as he put two hands over my eyes."jay... I can't see." I said laughing. "That's the point." He said laughing back. "Keep them shut.." he said. When he told me to open ke as amazed. Happy Birthday Erin written on a banner with decorations everywhere. "Jay... You did this... You can barely make toast without it burning." I said as we both laughed. "Okay.. I have one last present. " He said. Everyone eyes went to us. What was going on?
He held my hand and bent down on one knee. I looked around in shock. Then my eyes met his again. Tears started drinking down my face. "Erin Lindsay.. will you marry me.?" He said. I was almost full on happy crying at this point. All I did was nod. I couldn't speak at all. He stood up and held me for a quick kiss and then a tight hug. And then he put the rin on my finger. He gave me another hug while everyone was cheating and claping. "I love you" he whisperd into my ear. "I love you too." I wispers back. Best.Birthday. Ever.

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