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I woke up this morning. Erin was curled beside me as I heard her sniffle. "You okay?" I said. "I'm fine." She said. Once we headed to work she sat with her coffee and donut but barely touched the coffee and didn't touch the donut at all. I gave her a concerned look and she gave me the "'Fuck Off' look. Bought had told Lindsay  to interview  this crackhead with Al. I guesterd to talk in his office. "What's up?" He said. "Its Erin.... I know something's not right..  she won't let me help.." I started. "I mean I know she's sick. She just keeps brushing that off." "Convince her to head home. She can have as ling as needed." I said thank you. Time to work my charm to convince Erin. After about 10 minutes of her saying 'your "charm" can't fool me' I finally convince her yo go home. We had a long day. I unlocked the door to find Erin passes out on the couch almost falling off. I could she she had taken advil and pepto. She woke up a bit later and went to "clean up" which she was basically showering and getting on new pajamas. I layed on the couch and suddenly felt something come and lay on top of me. I opened my eyes after the short amount of time they were open. It was Erin laying on top of me wearing a baggy sweater and shorts. "I should have listed to you" she said sniffling. "I love you." She said. "I love you to." And then we both drifted off.
You over linstead yet? Neither am I
But the writers are moving too fast. Look at this pic.

I'm just not ready. Honestly 8 think it's a bad move j mean we had 4 years of linstead dating or not and now that there said it's over. I don't think anyone is liking this considering Upton us already replacing Lindsay. What do you think? Id love to hear what your thoughts are

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