Never Forget...(2)

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I couldn't believe what was happening. Next thing I knew I was thrown into the back of a car with Erin. All I remember is waking up in a cage thing with Erin in one beside me. After 3 days of getting beat Erin was starting to Panic. " What if they never find us! What if we die in here!?"
"Erin please. Don't worry. They probably are already looking for us." She started crying. I wanted to just pull her in for a hug. But I couldn't. The fucking bars were separating us. We both held hands through the little slots in the "cages"
"If anything happens." She looked at me with tears streaming down her cheaks.
"Never forget I love you." When she heard me say that she started crying even more.
Next thing I knew they took us out of our spots. They put me into one in the very back and Erin was beat. No matter how many times I yelled for them to stop the didn't listen. It was my turn. They put Erin in her spot. I was beat. They through me into the back again. "You think you'll get away with this?" "Erin" I said trying to get her to stop. "Kidnapping cops well our team will find us and have your asses in jail 25-life." All of a sudden we heard a loud bang. "CHICAGO PD NO BODY MOVE." Instantly  they grabbed Erin and held a knife to her throat. "Listen. You slit her throat you go down with her." I heard voight say. I looked over and saw the Entire Intelligence unit with guns drawn and it looked like they wouldn't hesitate to shoot. The guy kept rambling about something. I managed to get out and grabbed a metal pole and smack him over the head just as he was about to slit her throat. Instantly she cam for a hug in tears. After a long time at med,and many days off, me and Erin were allowed to go back to work. After our first day back I found Erin in the locker room crying. We have a long road ahead of us. But we have each other's backs.

Linstead💕 One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now