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About a month ago Erin had givin birth to a sweet baby boy
Erin's POV
"Jay.. he isn't eating." I said holding a bottle with formula.

"Maybe it's normal?" He replied. Although we were new parents we didn't read anything about it in the parenting book we ordered when we first found out I was pregnant. " he has a low temputure.... 25.." I said. I began to worry. That's low. On average temputure is at least between 33 and 35. "I'll call will." He said pulling out his phone. Will suggested that we take him to med and find out why he isn't eating.. that and the low temputure. They had him. In this little hospital bed. It broke my heart. "It turns out Elijah had strep B. It.." will started. "Can kill babies." I said starting to tear up. Jay was stunned. "Don't think like that Erin. he's a fighter." Jay said consoling me. he was a fighter. he almost didn't make it. We new there'd be complications. But we didn't think anything like this would happen. We sat there for about 30 minutes when the unit rolled in. We were greeted by hugs and consolment. Me and Jay then sat down. His hand in mine we just sat there blank minded. "Hey kiddo.." Hank said. "I brought you guys something to eat." We didn't touch it. there we were with the intelligence unit (along with will) worried sick in our baby's hospital room. Me and Jay were laying close as the unit was sitting out in the waiting area. Alarms started going off, the words  code blue were on repet. "Whats going on." Jay yelled. The nurses pushed us out of the room. As much as we trusted Dr.Rhodes we wanted to be there. We waited for about 5 minutes I was in tears in Jays arms. We heard a noise. Rhodes came to talk to us. We all stood up. "I'm sorry." He said ready eyed. Instantly me and Jay fell into each other's arms. We both had tears streaming down our face. The next day as sad as we were we got up. We hadn't really said anything to each other. Just a whole lot of hugs and crying. As we enters the bullpin everyone looked up. Me and Jay just went to our desks. "You guys don't have to be here." Olinsky said. He knew how it felt. I nodded. I slightly glanced over to one of the.pictures at my desk. It was jay holding Elijah they day he was born. I sat there holding back tears. That's one picture that will never. Ever. Leave my desk.

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