Boys night IN.

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A/N how do you guys feel about the new pic?
Youre leaving the house without me... Dressed like that?"Youre leaving the house without me... Dressed like that?"Youre leaving the house without me... Dressed like that?"
I said. I mean DAMN she looked hot but who will fend off they guys that try to hit on her?
"Is there a problem?" She asked. She gave me a look of worrie but I could tell she was thinking about changing.
"Uh... What about the guys that try to hit on you?"
"I'm sure the girls will fend them off." She said. As I laughed a little she smiled. Then she walked over and gave me a pationate kiss. I was starting to think that maybe we should cancel all this stuff. Then her phone pinged. As our lips unlocked.from.each others all we did was smile.
"Have a good boys night in" she said as she shut the door. I have already set up the beer,food,etc. And then there was a knock at the door. I walked over to open it. Somehow Will,Adam,Kevin,and Antonio all managed to arrive at the same time. As I welcomed them we turned on the black Hawks game. 5 beers later the night is a bit fuzzy. All I remember is putting what I think was peanut butter and chip crumbs on Adams face and then waking up to Erin and Kim laughing. I think I either walked to bed or Erin dragged me. Erin ended up getting pictures.
"What the hell did you guys do last night?!" She said laughing. "Well from what I remember..."

A/N I can't believe it guys! My story has 208 reads! I got 100 more today! I never even thought I'd get 10! Thank you to my supporters! ILY GUYS 💕💕

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