Baby Fever

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Okay okay! Some of you guys have realized that I mostly write from Erin's pov but that's only because I am a girl! I don't really know what goes through a guys mind but I will try my best!
Erin's POV
It was Saturday night. Jay was just wandering around the house and I was watching TV sitting on the arm of our chair.
I was watching a show about Babies. My god they are adorable. Jay hadn't noticed until a commercial  for baby items came on and he heard the awws,etc. "Someone's for baby fever." He said while letting our a little laugh.During that commercial I sat there just watching while I could tell jay was Near the end of the commercial I felt two arms wrap around me.
"One Day" he whisperd as he gave me a kiss on the cheak. I couldn't help but smile. This warm feeling went throughout my body as I just had a million thoughts run through my mind.
He wants to tart a family with me. What's next for us. Do you think he ment it? And a thousand more like those ran through. I couldn't help but smile. A few months later at Christmas we did presents,had family over etc. Everyone knew but him. Jay stood up as I stopped him and stood beside him. I was nervous. What if he leaves me. What if he's angry. I took a deep breath. "Everything okay? " He said as he looked at me. "I need to tell you something." I took another breath as I could feel tears forming. "I uh....I'm pregnant." I said with my voice shaky.
"Wait.... You're...?" He asked in a soft tone. Oh god he was angry. Or so I thought. We started doing that happy laugh as he gave me a hug and he had some tears. His family and mine all gave hugs.
He was excited. That one day. Was today.

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