Chapter One

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Amelia stood off to the side with Vern as April kept trying to get Mr. Rivetti's attention. Amelia sighed lightly as she watched her friend try to get as much information as she could before she had to leave.

Amelia worked along side April and Vern, she was not a reporter nor a camera women. She was actually responsible for the online news team, meaning she was in charge of writing down articles on Channel 6 News' website. It wasn't the most excited job in the world, but it paid the bills.

Amelia was sort of a book worm, but she was a jocky too. She played many sports on the side and working out was her main hobby. She was a fit person, as well as a health freak.

As Amelia watched April she gave a quick glance at Vern, "How much longer does she gave till we have to leave?" She asked him, leaning against the van, crossing her arms over her chest.

Vern lifted his hand and checked the watch that was attached to his wrist, "About 5 minutes, maybe 4. In 30 we go live, so she better hurry it up."

Amelia nodded and in 5 minutes Vern shouted, "O'Neil! We're live in 30 minutes! Come on!"

Amelia smiled slightly when April tried to get the poor guy to stay where he was at, then quickly run over to the two. April huffed and pointed at Mr.Rivetti saying,

"I am working!" She said.

Amelia snickered, "That's a paying job?" She said with a smirk.

April rolled her eyes, "N-No, but!-"

Vern cut in this time quickly saying, "We do have an actual paying job. Look, you don't think that every crime reporter in the city isn't trying to work this Foot Clan story?" He asked in the end.

April sighed, "I know that, but there is a new angle on this, and I am this close to getting it. I just need a couple of more..." She turned around to see Mr. Rivetti was gone and she sighed again, looking down.

Amelia gave her a small smile, "Come on April, we gotta go. I'll get us lunch, on me." She then made her way to the back of the van, opening the double doors, climbing inside.

Just after she shut the doors behind her Vern got in the drivers seat, while April got in the passengers seat. Amelia went over to the bench and sag down, getting buckled. For a quick lunch they decided to get McDonald's, but Amelia decided to wait to eat. As her friends ate, she messed on her phone, looking at her dating app she was forced to upload. Thanks April...

She got another match, but the guy just wasn't her type, so she ignored him. She put her phone away and soon the three were in Time Square. Amelia quickly got out and got the microphone April was going to use during the interview, getting it ready for her.

Vern got the camera set up and working, while April was in the back of the van changing into a pair of work out clothes. April quickly got out of the van and Amelia handed Ber the microphone.

"Show em' how its done April." Amelia said with a smile.

April gave her a quick smile back and made her way in front of the camera, meeting the man she was going to interview. Amelia went back to the van, pulling out the small screen from the side, turning it on. Soon the interview April was doing, was now live and showed on the small screen.

Amelia cringed lightly as April did the workout move on the trampoline, she even felt a little bad for her best friend. She knew that this was not what April wanted to do. When it was all over Amelia sighed in relief and got out of the van, allowing April to change into her normal clothes again.

Amelia frowned when April was finished and slowly said, "It wasn't that bad..."

April gave her a 'really?' look, making Amelia shut up immediately. Vern came over, putting away all of the equinment and while he put the camera away, April sighed.

"Four years of journalism school so that I can do that." She said while putting on her mustard yellow coat "Four years of my life, guys. It's embarrassing."

"Look, O'Neil, I get it, you want to be a serious journalist. I see you sniffing around the newsroom for the big stories. But it's also okay to just give people something a little lighter. A little... Little froth." Vern said hesistant in the end.

Amelia gave him a weird look, but was amused. April was smiling just slightly and crossed her arms over her chest, "Froth?" She asked.

Vern seemed conflicted and tried to explain what he meant, but failed miserably saying, "You know, how, when you get a coffee, it's just, like, coffee, then they put a little froth on it. It's kind of nice."

Amelia got what he was saying and snickered, correcting him, "Vern, that's foam."

Vern rolled his eyes and gave a quick playful glare to Amelia, before turning back to April, "Yes, foam, froth, you get the point. It's just... It's nice, its tastes good, it's candy. You ever heard the expression, 'Never take candy from a baby'? It's because even babies love candy! It's nice. And you're giving people something they like that's good and nice. They look at you and they see, 'Wow, there's a nice... There's... candy.'...."

Amelia laughed lightly shaking her head, but Vern ignored her and continued "The point is, I think that you should be rewarded, not punishing yourself. Okay?"

Amelia joined into the conversation, "He is right April. I wouldn't put it in those words, but weirdly he makes sense. Dont push it, you'll get your big break some day. Believe it or not people do enjoy watching you, me and Vern do. Just take one step at a time."

April listened closely, but then Vern nodded quickly and had to say...

"And I'm... I'm prepared to reward you. I say that we go to my buddy's old restaurant downtown. It's very vibey..."

Amelia rolled her eyes and as April explained to Vern that they already ate, she grabbed her purse. She turned back to the two and just as April said she had to finish an interview, Amelia sighed.

"And I need to get home. Got some more work to do."

She quickly said goodbye to the two and started walking home. She didnt live far, but it was good ways away, a good walking distance. When she got home she went over to her small office first thing and started working.

She didn't have much to do, but she was never a  procrastinator. Amelia was very organized and well thought out person. If anything was or seemed out of place, she would fix it.

Once she finished work, it was almost time for dinner already. She went to her small kitchen and got things to make a good sized salad. After that she grabbed a bottle of water and plopped herself on her comfy couch, turning on her TV.

Just as she turned on her favorite TV show, her phone started to ring. She picked it up quickly and looked to see April's name. She quickly hit the green button and held her phone up to her ear.


"Amelia! Oh my gosh something crazy happened! I was at the docks and-" April said through the phone, but she was speaking so fast, Amelia couldn't even understand what she was saying.

"Woah, woah, April slow down. What happened?"

April took in and deep breath and began, "Amelia I was at the docks doing the interview. On my way home, the Foot Clan were on the docks and-"

Amelia's eyes widened, "Are you OK??"

April sighed, "I'm fine! Anyways I got a closer look and then some guy swopped down and just... Well he just took the Foot down! He threw some in the river, he even moved some of the cargo containers!"

Amelia snickered, "April I think your-"

April huffed' "I know what I saw! Come into the office tomorrow. I'll be there and you are, you'll see what I mean. I gotta get stared on my presentation. Bye!"

Before Amelia could even say goodbye, April hung up. Amelia looked at her phone weirdly for a moment, but soon went back to eating her dinner and watched TV. She ate fairly quickly and went back to her kitchen, cleaning off her dirty plate. She turned off her TV and decided it would be best to go to bed, since she had to wake up early tomorrow.

She made sure all her lights were off in her apartment, then she went to bed.


Hope you liked it!


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