Chapter Six

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Amelia, with the help of April, made it home safe. The first thing she did when she got home was change into comfortable clothes, then she went to her kitchen and grabbed a bag, filling it with ice. She sat down on her cough, but lifted her bad ankle up to lay on the couch.

She gently placed the bag of ice on her ankle, letting out a low hiss when pain shot through her ankle, but soon it calmed down making her sigh in relief. She laid back on her couch and rubbed her face tiredly with her hands.


"Is he here?" Raphael asked his nerdy younger brother, Donatello.

"I don't see him." Leonardo informed, looking around the empty room. Donnie?" He then said, waiting for his brother to give an answer.

"My thermal scans indicate there's a 74% variable that there's a 61% chance he's not..." Donnie started saying, but then the youngest of the brother whispered loudly.

"That he's not here, guys." In return his brothers shushed him to be quiet.

"Okay. Fall in, quietly." Leonardo ordered and jumped down from the tunbel, onto the sewer floor.

Next was Raph, then Donnie, and lastly Mikey. Mikey slipped slightly and caught himself, but cause of it made a loud thud, and again is brothers shushed him to be quiet. As they quietly walked over to the weapons wall, Mikey whispered,

"Dude. So, guys, if it wasn't already obvious with that girl in the yellow, dibs!" He said pointing at himself.

His brothers shushed him for the third time, but he wasn't done talking yet.

"Leo it was totally obvious the Blondie has the hots for you!" He said with a smile.

Leo rolled his eyes and didn't say anything, putting away his katanas. His brothers did the same, but not before snickering a little, making him more annoyed.

"If Master Splinter catches us, he'll send us back to the Ha'shi." Leo whispered harshly.

"I ain't going back to the Ha'shi." Ralph retorted back, putting away his sai's.

"Every time we're in the Ha'shi, it's because of you." Leo hissed at his hot-headed brother.

"Well, bro, you won't have to worry about me dragging you down anymore." Ralph said, pushing Leo's face away, growling.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mikey asked confused, leaning against Ralph.

Raph pushed him off roughly and said, "I'm going out on my own. First chance I get."

"How are we gonna finish our hip-hop Christmas album, bro? You're the hype man!" Mikey said quickly, lightly slapping Raph's chest gesturing that he was the hype man.

Then all the brothers got into a 'shushing war' but in all honesty that made it worst. Mikey accidentally spit in Raphs eye making him growl. Finally Leo put a stop to it all.

"Shh! He's not going anywhere. We all stick together." Leo said, Mali g Ralph roll his eyes and shake his head.

"Sorry I spit in your eye, bro." Mikey whispered to Ralph, but he got a glare back.


"Guys? Guys. We got a bogey..."


Amelia woke up with a jump when her phone started to ring loudly. She sat up quickly, but forgot about her ankle. She moved it just slightly and in a pinch she felt pain. She hissed and silently cursed. She got up her couch slowly, regretting falling asleep on it because her back ached.

She limped over to where her phone was and looked to see April was call in her. She sighed and picked it up, answering the call.

"Hello?" She answered grogilly.

Over the phone April said, "..... I got fired...."

Amelia eyes widened lightly and sighed, "Please tell you didnt..."

Then she April cough slightly, "I did...."

Amelia sighed again and ran a hand through her hair, "April no one is gonna believe us when we say we met four giant talking turtles."

"Well someone just might." April retorted rather quickly.

Amelia snorted, "Oh yeah? Who?"

"Eric Sack's and Vern is currently driving me to his place. We are almost there." April said, seeming proud, when really she sounded like an idiot.

Amelia showed a looked of confusion and said into the phone, "What makes you think Sack's will-" Then April cut her off.

"We're here! I gotta go!" Without even saying goodbye, April hung up.

Amelia huffed and looked at her phone shocked. Thats it, April has lost her mind. Amelia place her phone on the kitchen counter and walked towards her room. Her ankle still hurt a little and she knew more ice would help, but first a shower sounded great.

After her shower, she put on another pair of comfy clothes and grabbed the bag of water off her coffee table. She emptied the bag and filled it with new ice, then sat back down on her couch and turned her TV on. Today was a lazy day for, but she was not prepared for what was in store tonight...


Kind of shorter than my other chapters, but there's a good reason for that. One word.


Anyways lol let me know what you think!


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