Chapter Five

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Amelia smiled more as April started to wake up, but in the background she heard the orange one asked a very weird question.

"Have you seen that video where the cat plays Chopsticks with the chopsticks?" Amelia watched slightly amused as the blue one pushed his face away roughly.

"Can we focus here?" The blue one asked, mostly ordered, making Amelia get a quick glance at him.

"You know baby if you like Leo, you can tell me, I dont bite." The orange one said to Amelia, a smirk on his face.

She blushed madly and kept her eyes on April, but she could feel the blue ones eyes on her. Leo? Was that his name? Amelia though, but shook her head lightly and put her focus back on April. Thankfully the purple one took the attention away from her and back on April.

"Guys, please! Come on. Give her some air."

Amelia tried her best to help April sit up. April eyes were wide open now and they held the definition of shock.

"What are you?" April asked slowly, gripping onto Amelia's hand.

"Well, Miss, uh, we're ninjas." The blue one said, catching Amelia's attention. It made sense since they took down a whole bunch of Foot Clan soldiers.

"We're mutants." The red one growled, making Amelia more interested as to what he meant.

"Well, technically, we're turtles." The purple one said in a 'matter of factly' tone.

Then the orange one lastly said, "Oh, and we're teenagers! But we can still have adult conversations."

Amelia would have giggled, but saw April starting to stand, but she did show a smile on her face. While April still stared at the turtles in shock, while Amelia got up slowly by herself, grateful that April didnt care she used her as a wall basically. She limped a little, but then she put all her weight on her good foot, hanging on to April's arm for support.

"Wait, wait, wait. So... You're... Ninja, mutant, turtle, teenagers?" April asked slowly. Now that just sounded weird to Amelia.

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous!" The purple one said and Amelia agreed, it sounded kind of stupid.

"See, they're looking at us like we're freaks. I bet that's why you took our picture, wasn't it? To show your friends?" The red one question them, growling and glaring.

"Bro, that's a good thing! Maybe they have hot friends." The orange one whispered, but the girls could clearly hear him and that time Amelia did giggle.

Amelia could feel eyes on her and looked over to see the blue one staring at her. She looked away from him quickly and looked back at the red one, but she couldn't stop the blush that appeared on her face.

"Looking for this?" The red asked April, holding up her phone.

Then the orange one held up Amelia's phone making her eyes widen, "I got your phone to babe. Also you got a match on Tinder."

Amelia felt a dark blush form on her face and felt herself getting hot from embarrassment. She quickly grabbed her phone from his hand, mumbling a 'Thanks' and looked over her phone.

"Don't break it. No, no, no. Please." April pleaded to the red one, causing Amelia to look up at the red one again.

Then she watched as the blue one snatched April's phone out of fhebred ones hand, giving him a stern look.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We don't break things, we fix them. Donnie already wiped the phone, genius. Problem solved, moving on." The blue one explained while the red looked down annoyed.

"And who put you in charge?" The red one asked, shoving the blue ones shoulder back roughly.

The blue took a step closer and stood tall in front of the red one, "You know who did." He then said, his voice almost venomous like.

Amelia looked between the two worried and took a step back, just in case a brawl started. Then the orange one spoke.

"Ooh, tension! It's been like 30 whole minutes since you guys had this argument." He joked, but then again he also seemed serious.

The purple stood between the two bickering turtles, but looked specifically at the blue one, "Leonardo, if we want to make it home before Master, we gotta hustle."

Amelia's head snapped towards April when he'd friend whispers, "Leonardo?"

Amelia quickly looked back over to see the blue one now looking at them, but started walking towards them. Amelia's heart thumped against her chest when he pulled out a sword, but pointed the hilt at them, almost in a warning manner.

Amelia stayed still as she watched him bend slightly, only making eye contact.

"Do not say a word about this to anyone. If you do, we will find you. April O'Neil and Amelia Jackson." He threatened slowly, getting his point across.

Amelia didnt do anything, but stare into his eyes, showing him that he certainly had her attention. She watched as he stepped away, making her let out a small breath of relief.

"We're on the move, Raphael." He said to the red one, who only roles his eyes.

"Raphael?" April whispered, making Amelia confused.

"Yeah! We'll find you... I'm sorry, that came across super creepy, okay? We will find you, though." The orange one said, but then quickly followed the others off the building.

Amelia stayed where she was at while April went over to the edge of he building, pulling out her phone once more to take pictures. Amelia could hear the turtles as they jumped away, literally.

"I was on fire, bro! Did you see me back there? Guys, I totally talked to two girls!" She could hear the orange one say.

"Shut up Mikey!"


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