Chapter Three

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"Your men are weak. It's no surprise your missions fail."

"We couldn't have anticipated the vigilante showing up at the docks, Master Shredder."

"You have been trained for such contingencies."

"But we've never seen an enemy like this. Their size. Their strength. They're not human."

"I don't believe in fairy tales. It's what society wants to reduce the Foot Clan to.

A myth.

But the Foot Clan will rise again. Capture the vigilantes however you can. Use innocent people as bait. No one will stop us in our quest to reclaim victory.

We will own this city."

Amelia stood next to April, wearing her dark blue dress and black heels, watching as the announcer spoke up on the stage. Amelia gave April a quick glance before looking up at the stage again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the NYPD's top benefactor, Eric Sacks."

Then coming up on the stage was Sack's himself, smiling as the audience applaud for him. He raised his hands, causing the clapping to die down a little.

"Please, please. Please. Sit down, sit down." He said politely and everyone did as he told, expect Amelia and April who were standing in the back.

"I have to say, it's wonderful to see so many people out here tonight, especially in a neighborhood so hard hit by the Foot's crime wave. Years ago, my life was touched by tragedy. I was a young scientist working with a world-class team on cutting-edge research. And our laboratory was attacked, set fire to, robbed, by the cowards that call themselves the Foot Clan. Several of my employees lost their lives that day."

Amelia frowned and looked over at April, knowing her father was one of the scientist. She slowly looked back up at Sack's who looked solemn, but continued.

"And it is in their honor, in their memory, that Sacks Industries, whether through Sacks Biomed, Sacks Robotics or Sacks Construction, will remain committed to keeping the city of New York, our city, safe. So whenever someone takes flame to this city, I will be there to put the fire out. And that's a promise. Thank you." He gave the audience a curt nod as everyone clapped, then he walked off the stage, and started shaking hands with some people.

Amelia watched as April made her way over to the rich man. She smiled lightly and turned back over to Vern.

"I'm gonna go change and head out. Have a good night Vern." She said sweetly.

Vern smiled and nodded, bidding her a goodbye as well. Amelia grabbed her bag and walked off to the ladies Restroom, quickly changing. Once finished she left the building, making her way to the subway. She was about to enter a subway bus, loud shooting was heard.

She felt someone roughly grab her hair and pull her back. She let out a yelp as she was yanked back and thrown on the floor. She hissed in pain and her ankle was stepped on harshly, crying out. She looked up to see them.

They were so many of them and each of them held a gun in there hands. Amelia looked around worriedly, but stayed down. Well, she couldn't move, who ever stepped on her ankle did it on purpose.

Soon everyone was on the ground and Amelia looked up when the women foot soldier shouted at someone to stand up. Amelia's widened when she saw April standing up slowly, a gun pointed at her. Amelia panicked and shouted,


Then the lights went out. Amelia looked around panicked, but then shouting and laughing was heard. She got up slowly, looking round. She saw flashes up color. Blue, then red, even purple and orange. She shook her head and also saw the mustard yellow, April.

Soon the colors before vanished and the Foot Clan was stopped. She went to walk, but hissed in pain from her ankle. She looked down at it for a moment, but decided to just fight through the pain. She started limping towards April, a look of discomfort on her face.

April was just about to run out of the subway, but her eyes caught Amelia and they widened. April sprinted over to her liking friend.

"Amelia! Wh-What?"

Ameloa shook her head, "I'll explain later."

April nodded and quickly said, "I know where the vigilante is!"

Amelia smiled, belieing April this time, "Well let's go get em'!"

April gave her thankful smile and started to run, Amelia following close after. The amount of pressure she was putting on her bad ankle made her want to scream, but if she stopped now she wouldn't be able to see the vigilante. She pushed herself, trying to ignore the pain.

When April stopped at a fire escape, Amelia mentally thanked the heaven s, and soon watched as her friend pulled down the fire escape stairs and started going up. Amelia signed and followed, she could just feel her ankle swell up by the second. Again she mentally thanked the heaven when there were no more stairs to go up, bit now there was ladder.

Amelia stayed down as she watched her friend quickly climb the ladder, pulling out her phone. She could here multiple voices on the roof, cheering in victory. Then she watched as April took a picture, but the flash on her phone was on. Amelia saw the chain wrap around her friends waist and pull her up to the roof.

"April!" She shouted her friends name.

Then a chain wrapped around her waist too...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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