Chapter Thirteen

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Getting the bullet out was sure a fun experience for Amelia.


She was sure glad when Donnie was finished and wrapped her leg up, moving over to Raph to work on his cracked shell. Amelia stood up slowly, using the side of the truck to help her. The trucked kept going over bumps and swayed side to side.

"Donnie, what's the fastest way back to Manhattan?" Leo asked as he stood next to his brother, hanging ontobthebteuck as well to keep his balance.

"We just need to stay on this road. If we can get to the maintenance hatch at the bottom of the hill, there's a sewer line 2.4 miles from here." Donnie informed his older brother.

Leo nodded and shouted upbto his younges brother, "Mikey! Let them know up there!" He said, meaning April and Vern.

Mikey did as told. Amelia accidentally hit the side of the truck, her thigh hitting it as well. She yelped in pain, looking down at her thigh, seeing some of her bleed seep through the bandages. Leo looked behind him when he heard Amelia.

Then the truck swirved again, causing him to loose his balance. He flew out of the truck, landing on a rock.

"Leo!" Amelia shouted as she watched the blue clad turtle fly out of the truck.

Minutes later she was the only one in the back of the truck. as the brother all fought. She tried to keep her balance, but she had trouble. Just as she was about to fall, a pair of arms grabbed her. She looked up to see Raph.

"Time to go princess." He muttered and Amelia up gently.

Amelia let out a yelp as Raph jumped out of the truck, landing in the snow on his shell. His shell glided both of them across the snow, almost like sleding. Amelia hung on to him tightly, her eyes squeezed shut.

"Mikey! Grab the cable!" Amelia
heard Leo shout.

She opened her eyes quickly to see Mikey grab the cable Leo told him to grab. Her eyes widened when Mikey accidentally let go of the rope, watching her three friends keep sliding down.

"Leo!" Amelia shouted his name, watching as he and her other friends went over the cliff.

"Oh, no... Poor Leo, April... And that other guy. They were so young, so beautiful." Mikey said very dramatically.

"They ain't dead, numb nuts." Raph growled as he and Amelia slid past him.

Amelia was relieved when Raph said those words and once they stop sliding, she got up quickly and looked over the edge. She let out a breath of relief when she saw Leo's sword embedded into the rocks. Leo held onto April while Vern, who struggled, held onto Leo.

Amelia watched as Raph grabbed Leo's hand and hauled him up. Amelia let out another breath of relief, rushing towards April.

"Are you OK?!" She asked, looking April over.

April huffed, "Am I OK?? You got shot!"

Amelia rolled her eyes, but then Donnie walked over to her. He bent down and looked at her thigh, then looked up at her. Amelia had a light blush on her face as Donnie touch her leg to check her wound.

"How are you feeling Amelia?"

Amelia cleared her throat, "F-Fine. I'm fine."

Donnie nodded and stood back up looming at his brothers, "Guys, we gotta hustle. Shredder's over New York City..."

Leo nodded, "We all gotta climb down. Mikey watch over April, Raph watch Vern, Donnie..." Leo said glancing at Amelia, but then cleared his throat, "You go first and navigate us, I got Amelia."

Donnie didn't seem phased and nodded, the first to start climbing down.

"Wait a minute..." Amelia muttered, she was not good with heights.

As the others started started climbing down, Amelia and Leo were left. Amelia gulped when Leo started walking towards the edge. She shook her head and backed away.

"U-uh..." Amelia stuttered catching Leo's attention.

Leo turned around quickly to see Amelia frozen in place, staring at the cliff. He walked up to her slowly and said her name softly. Amelia looked up at him and shook her head.

"I-I can't..." Amelia said, now backing up.

Leo gave her a soft look and gently grabbed her hand, "Amelia I will be right beside you."

Amelia gulped, "Wh-What if I fall."

Leo smiled, "I'll catch you."

Amelia let Leo gently tug her over to the cliff, but once she looked over it, she back away just a little bit. Leo continued to smile and tugged her forward. Leo was first to climb down, then Amelia slowly followed after.

Amelia never thought in a million years she would have to do this...


So what do you think?

Lol I know I ask that question every chapter, but its true, I wanna know what you guys think.


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