Chapter Seventeen

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Its been a few days since the fight with Shredder and Sack's. Amelia hasn't seen the turtles since the night at the garage. Its been pretty tame so far. Amelia is still working and April got her job back, which is good.

For now Amelia just finished working out in gym that her Apartment building has. She grabbed her duffle bag and water bottle, as well as her Apartment keys, head in to the stair case. She onlybtook the elevator if she was in a hurry, so it was rare. Amelia finally made it to the top floor and walked down the hall to her door.

When she walked into her apartment, she shut the door and dropped her duffle bag on the floor. She sighed as she dropped her keys in the little bowl she had near the door, walking to her kitchen. Just as she looked through her frisge, a voice was heard.

"You have like, no food babe."

Amelia let out yelp as she slammed her fridge door and turned around to see the  turtles. She placed a hand over her heart, trying to calm down.

"Mikey!" She hissed the youngest name.

Amelia rolled her eyes as Mikey laughed, while the other all seemed amused as well. She huffed, but a small smile was starting to show on her face. She placed a hand on her hip.

"What are you guys doing here?" Then she walked over to grab her water bottle, "And how did you get in here?"

"Windows babe." Mikey said, plopping on her couch.

"Which we need to discuss." Leo said looking serious, "You can't just keep your window's unlocked."

Amelia rose a brow and looked at Leo with a smirk on her face.

"Hmm." She said, putting her water bottle in the fridge, then turned back to the boys.

"I'm gonna go change."

"Oh yea! We can go to the lair and invite April!" Mikey said excitedly, jumping around happily.

"Calm down numbnuts! You're gonna break something!" Raph growled, slapping Mikey over the head.

Amelia winced at the loud smacking noise. Mikey whined and rubbed his head. Amelia snorted and walked down her small hall to her room. She quickly changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a grey tank top, and a leather jacket with a pair of short leather boots. Once finished she walks do it of her room ready to go.

"Ready baby?" Mikey said, thinking he was slick.

Amelia shook her head with a smile on her face, "Let's go."


They all arrived to the lair and not so surprisingly, April was already there. The two girl looked at each other with a smile, but neither said anything.

"Who is ready for some pizza?" Mikey said, already ready to grab the phone and make an order.

Everyone agreed, except Amelia secretly didnt actually care. The others all gather in the living room as Mikey made the call. April looked at Amelia with a smile.

"What are you gonna eat?" She asked with a smirk.

Amelia rolled her eyes, but before she could Speak, Mikey finaihednthe phone call and quickly said.

"She is gonna eat pizza with us, duh."

April and Amelia looked at other with smiles on there faces, The boys looked confused, until April said.

"Guys... Amelia doesn't eat pizza..."

The boys were all shocked in there own way, but Mikey... Poor Mikey looked like he was gonna faint. Amelia giggled as Mikey went up to her.

"You dont like pizza?!" He asked her frantically.

Amelia laughed at that and said, "I like it I just dont eat it."

April snorted,"Your such a health freak."

Amelia rolled her eyes and gave April a playful glare, who only smiled back at her innocently.

"Well... Can we get you something else?" Leo said, now looking worried.

They didn't have a lot of food, but they had enough. Or they could order something else for her if they had to.

Amelia gave a him a sweet smile, "I'm OK, I ate a little while ago. Thank you though."

Leo nodded, but he still seemed unsure. Money and Raph went to go pick up the pizza, while the others hung out. The two came back with the pizza and everyone ate, while Amelia messed with her phone. Mikey looked over at Amelia and smirked. He scooted closer to her, a slice of pizza in his hand. He held the pizza near her face, waiting for her to notice.

Amelia could smell the pizza, but for some reason the scent hot stronger. She turned her head little, only to meet a slice of pizza in her face. Am el rolled her be yes and gave Mikey a 'really?' look.

"Come on you know you want a bite..." Mikey teased.

Amelia would have laughed, but she kept her face nuetral. She was being challanged and she never backs down from a challenge. Mikey moved the pizza around her face and under her nose, going bear her mouth. Did the pizza smell good? Hell yeah it did. Did Amelia wanted to eat it? Maybe, but she wasnt going to.

Avoiding junk food has been apart of Amelia's routine since her college years. She was a Pro, she was not going to break.

"Wow she is really not gonna eat it." Donnie said in the background.

"Maybe not the pizza, but stick sweets in her face, she'll marry you." April said.

Amelia huffed and looked at April, but April could care less. April gave her air kiss to tease, making Amelia roll her eyes. Mikey have up and ate the slice of pizza, while pouting.

Leo watched the scene unfold with a smirk on his face. After what April said, he had an idea in his head,but that had to be for later. Meanwhile he excused himself to go to the kitchen, behind the pop that was behind fridge,nice try Mikey, was also Mikey's stash of candy. Leo looked over some of the candy, seeing that they were good.

He stuck them in his pocket and went back to join the group.


I know this chapter is Kinda boring, but something will happen in the next chapter.



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