Chapter Sixteen

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Taking a hot shower and taking a five hour nap, was Amelia's highlight of the day. She woke up in somewhat of a great mood, but all she wanted to do was keep sleeping. When she woke up, her stomach growled. She needed to eat, since she hadn't eaten anything before the chaos insued. She quickly ate a salad, which she was eat because she needed greenery in her life.

Just as she finished her food, her phone lit up. She picked it up and read the message April sent her. She almost threw her phone at the wall. She reread the message and let out a sigh, texting April back.

She put down her phone and ran off to her room to go change. She put on a pair of yoga pants, a tank top and zip up jacket. Once done she grabbed her phone and apartment keys, heading out the door. She quickly pulled her hair up in a messy ponytail as she walked down the street, heading towards the destination April wanted her to meet at.

The walk was somewhat quick, but Amelia was happy to finally arrive. She walked inside the empty parking garage to see April and, surprisingly, Vern. She gave them both a small smile, but it grew into bashful one when Vern said,

"There she is. New York's secret weapon."

"How's your arm, Vern?" She asked him, seeing his arm was in a blue sling at the moment.

"Well, it wouldn't be much use in a fight.
Not that I was much use before, but..." Vern said, shrugging in the end.

"Did you get a new car?" Amelia asked as she looked behind Vern, to see a nice jet black car, with a logo on the side.

"Yeah. You're looking at the new Fenwick Express. Pretty sweet, huh? Kind of an upgrade. I figured I'd need new wheels after my old work vehicle went boom." Vern said, but then kept talking, "Yeah, Channel 6 gave it to me.
They said don't put a scratch on it, but like lightning's going to strike twice?"

Amelia nodded with a smile, trying to act slightly impressed, but really she didnt care. Amelia looked at April, who shared her a look of concern.

"How are you feeling?"

Amelia shrugged, still giving April a smile. She was taken to the hospital to get her wounds properly cleaned with clean bandages. Her shoulder already turned into a scab, so it was fine, but after it healed a scar would definitely show.

"I'm fine. Tired as hell, but I am fine."

April huffed a small laugh and nodded her head. Just as Amelia was about to say something, a loud honk was heard. The all turned to see a van, filled with four turtles. Amelia smiled widely, especially when she saw Leo in the passenger seat.

Her and April quickly walked over to them, Vern following closely.

"What are you guys doing here?" April asked with a grin on her face.

"We figured we owed you a thanks for keeping our secret." Leo said, slightly leaning out of the car window to speak.

"Also Leo wanted to say hi to his girlfriend." Mikey said with a cocky grin on fave, pointing at Amelia.

Amelia blushed when she glanced over at Leo, who looked like he wanted to kill Mikey. Leo bashfully looked at Amelia, giving her a small smile. Amelia pulled out her phone, checking the time. She let out a sigh and looked up at the others.

"I really gotta go. I have to get some sleep. Boss wanted me at the office first thing."

April scoffed, "Amelia would need to take bream, at least for a few days. I mean you were shot twice."

Amelia shrugged, "Life will never stop kicking my ass I guess."

She looked at the turtles and smiled, "Stay safe boys. Mikey stay out of trouble."

Mikey gave him his famous innocent smile, "Trouble finds me anyway babe. No promises."

Amelia giggled, but looked over at Leo when he said, "Let us drive you home."

"I dont live far, I dont want to intru-"

"You might just wanna get in the van. Cuz' Leo will either will not shut up, or he follows you home like a lost puppy." Raph said with a smirk.

Amelia blushed lightly and sighed, slowly getting inside the back of the van. She looked back at April and Vern, but watched as Mikey started to show them all the buttons. He pressed a certain one and suddenly, a rocket shoots out, hitting Vern's new car.

"My bad. I'm still figuring out the buttons." Mikey said slowly.

"That was my new Fenwick Express! I just... I just got that." Vern said, looking like he was about to have a heart attack.

"We better get out of here. Want a ride home?" Leo said, then looked at April in the to see if either she or Vern needed a rids home. Really he was only asking April, but let's be nice to Vern, his car did just blow up.

"You know what? I think we're gonna take the subway." April said looking at Vern and then nodded, "We're going to take the subway."

Then Mikey had a look of mischief on his face, "You sure? I got a real nice song that's all cued up. It's special, girl." He said to April.

Raph shook his head, "No, don't."

"For us." Mikey guestured with his hand, longing at himself and April

"Come on, Mikey." Leo said.

Amelia started to giggle, making Leo look back at her with a playful glare. She smiled and held up her hands in surrender.

"No, no, no, Mikey, you promised." Donnie whined as the music started to play.

"It's happening." Mikey said and started to sing.

Imagine me and you
I do
I think about you day and night
It's only right
To think about...

"I'm making really good headway!" Mikey said as the van started to move and he was shoved inside, but he wasn't finished.

"Shut up, Mikey!" His brothers shouted.

All of a sudden Mikey burst out from the back doors. Raph held onto his younger brother. The orange clad kkeptpt singing.

I can't see me loving nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby
The skies'll be blue
For all my life!


Mikey you so perfect I love you. Also no this book has not ended yet.



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