Chapter Ten

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"Fortunately, our engineers have been making great progress in refining the robotics in your armor.

We're taking it to the next level, bridging the gap between ancient tradition and modern warfare."

"Tonight, I dine on turtle soup."

"Why did you bring us here?" April finally asked Splinter as the emotional  conversation was over.

Amelia finnaly calmed down and the thought of her brother stuck in the fire left her mind. She looked up at Splinter, but a felt a pair of eyes staring at her, but she ignored it, for now.

"To find out who you told of our existence." Splinter said, as of already knowing one of them had to have told someone. He wasn't stupid.

"Nobody that believed me, except for Eric Sacks. And Amelia hasn't told anyone." April said and Amelia nodded.

Amelia saw the frown on Splinters face and panicked.

"Sacks. Just as I feared." Splinter stated as he stood up slowly.

Amelia and April stayed sitting, hearing and watching Splinter.

"Sacks is not a friend. His soul has been poisoned by the influence of a dark master. The Shredder." As Splinter explained, "Shredder practically raised Sacks in Japan. He's like a father to him. Sacks will do anything for his master."

Then Raph walked closer to his father, "Wait, wait. Sacks and Shredder? So, why aren't we out there hunting them down?" He huffed out the question, clearly confused.

"Because, Raphael, The Shredder is a skilled warrior whose cruelty is ever-reaching! And you are just teenagers."  Splinter said as gently as he could, but Raph rolled his eyes. As Raph stepped back, Leo stepped up, looking down at his father.

"The mutagen in your blood is of great value to them. Now that Sacks has confirmation that you are alive, I fear they will bring the fight to us." Splinter said, looking almost fearful.

Amelia looked at April anxiously, but then she watched as April pulled out card from her pocket.

"Oh, no." April muttered and looked back at Amelia with worry, who shared her the same look.

"Stand by to make entry."

"Let's move!'

"Go, go, go!"

"Perimeter infringe. Breached!"

"We have incoming!"

Amelia jumped as a loud alarm went off and she looked around frantically. Then she heard Donnie say something and it sounded bad.

"Oh, no! Oh, no! We got two breaches. Fan room, weapons wall!" Donnie exclaimed.

Leo took charge right away as Amelia and April stood up.

"Mikey, flank right! Donnie, on me! We gotta go! Go, go!" Leo ordered, him and Leo heading towards the dojo.

"Stand by to set charge."

"Lock and load."

"We're going on 10."

"No live ammo. Tranqs only."

"Take 'em alive!"

Splinter heard through the walls and shoited, "No! Get back!"

Then the wall exploded.

Leo and Donnie flew back, hitting GB the floor hard, as well as Splinter. Amelia let out a yelp and she and April, stayed in a corner. She looked forward to see Leo and Donnie getting, but then saw there getting shot at by tranquilizer darts.

"They've got tranq darts!" Donnie said

"Well, don't let them hit your skin. Let's go! Let's move!" Leo retorted back, quickly getting up and turned so his shell protected him the tranq darts.

Amelia didn't know what to do, but soon everyone expect her and April were fighting. Amelia looked around frantically, but then saw a sneacky foot soldier about to attack Leo. She looked around the rubble and found a pipe. She picked it up and ran over to Leo, ignoring April shouting her name.

Just as the soldier was about to hit Leo in the back of the head, Amelia ran up and hit him the pipe, knocking him out cold. Leo turned around completely taken back, but then shook his head.

"Mikey get April and Amelia out of here, now!"

Leo loomed back at Amelia, "Go." Was a he said and then ran off, to fight more soldiers that dared to hurt his family and new friends.

Amelia ran back to April and just in time. Mikey rushed over and smiled, as if this whole fighting thing wasn't even happening.

"Ladies, come with me. I got a safe place for you to hide. And if you get thirsty, I got a secret stash of Orange Crush behind the fridge. Don't tell Raph." Mikey said, whispering in the end.

Amelia and April were dragged over to hiding spot, but not a very good one. They got a view of Shredder himself fighting Splinter. At First Splinter seemed to have the upper hand, but that slowly diminished. Shredder caused Splinter to fly across the room and land on the floor, hard.

Amelia watched as April grabbed a sai from a crate, running up to the Shredder, stabbing him in the back. That did nothing at all.

"Stupid little girl!" Shredder yelled.

"April! No!" Splinter shouted, using his tail to grab and April and throw her to the side.

Amelia quickly went over to her fiend and helped her up, back over to the hiding spot.

"That was so stupid!" Amelia hissed.

"Oh, as stupid as you saving Leo's ass?!" April spat back.

Amelia rolled her eyes, but muttered, "Touché..."

The two turned back to watch as Shredder held up a weak Splinter, then saw the boys, except Ralph, reading to defend there father.

"Children, drop your weapons, or your father will die." Shredder said, holding Splinter up more.

Amelia frowned and tried her best not to cry as she watched the boys drop there weapons. After they did they, the Shredder raised a fist, punching Splinter in the gut.

"No!" The turtles yelled.

Amelia watched helplessly as the turtle were brought to there knees in pain. Shredder threw poor splinter on the ground, not caring one bit. Soon the Turtles were cuffed and forced out of the sewers.

"Where's the fourth?"

"He's dead."

"Destroy this place."


Well shit happened!

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