Chapter Nineteen

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"Thank you for taking me home..." Amelia said shyly as she and Leo stood inside her bedroom, but Leo stood near the window ready to leave.

Leo nodded his head and had a small smile on his face, "Of course, goodnight Amelia."

Amelia smiled as well, but frowned as he went to leave. Without thinking, she reached up and grabbed his hand to stop him. Leo almost froze at her touch. He turned around quickly to look at her, concerned when he saw the frown on her face. Just as he was about to ask what was wrong, Amelia started walking closer to him.

That time he did freeze, he couldn't move is body. Amelia was happy he didnt tried to run and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you... For everything..." She whispered.

Leo slowly and hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. Amelia smiled as she hugged him a little tighter, knowing she couldn't hurt him.

The two hugged for a while, but if Leo didnt leave soon the others would be looking for him. As much as the two didnt want to, they let go slowly, but before there bodies fully left each other, their faces were close.

"Did that kiss mean something to you?" Amelia suddenly asked, replaying what happened back at Sacks building.

Leo knew what she meant the moment she asked the question and immediately answered, "It meant a lot to me..."

Amelia smiled, "Please kiss me again..." She whispered shyly.

Amelia looked up to see Leo leaning his face closer to hers, but soon the space between them closed. Amelia kissed him gently, her eyes slowly closing. She kept her arms around us neck, pulling him closer. Leo kept his arms around her waist, pulling her body closer to his.

The kiss only lasted a moment longer before they pulled away. making Amelia whine. Leo smiled and pulled her to his chest, kissing the top of her head.

"Amelia, are you free tomorrow night?"

Amelia smiled and looked up at him, her chin on his chest, "Yes..."

"Would you... Uh..." Leo said, not knowing how to say it, but really he didnt need to.

"I would love too..." Amelia said with a large smile on her face.

Leo smiled as well, making Amelia giggle. She reached up on her tippy toes to give him another kiss. The kiss was short, making Amelia pout.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Leo reassured her with a smirk.

Amelia huffed, "That's a long time..." She muttered, making Leo almost laugh.

Leo had to untangle himself from Amelia, who still pouted the entire time. Leo caressed her face with his hand, his thumb rubbing her cheek. Amelia leaned into his touch and smiled slowly.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Leo said.

Amelia smiled and nodded.

"You better."



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